Chapter 13: Just One Yesterday

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'If heaven brings, Brings hell's rain, Then I'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday'

The stones crunched under his feet as he walked toward the prison entrance. A guard with a large bandage wrapped around his head nodded at him as he observed the carnage.

There was a body bag being carried out further down the hall, a paramedic helping another bleeding prison guard. It was total chaos even hours after the SOS signal had been received.

"Where's Dolmen?"

"Hospital. He needed surgery." The guard at the entrance told him. He hummed in understanding.

"How many escaped?"

"Just one."


"He had help from a guard-"

"Bretton Marksman. I read the security logs for his cell."

"Then you know about her?"

"You mean Dr. Lilianna Price?"

"Yeah, she's gone. They fucking took her with them, absolute sick fucks."

The man looked down at his phone, the contact name staring back at him as his anger grew stronger. "Absolute sick fucks indeed."

"Are you a detective or something?" The guard asked. He turned and shook his head.

"No, I'm a lawyer." He answered.

"For Dolmen?"

"No, Dr. Lilianna Price." Emmet walked further into the prison. He was determined to find Lilianna alive and when he did, he would make sure Terrence Vendetta would never see daylight again. He wasn't planning on making him take the stand again, he knew he would be found guilty of every crime imaginable. Emmet wasn't here to be just- he was here for revenge.

If he couldn't have Lilianna then neither could Terrence Vendetta.

Lilianna slowly came to, her head pounding with the worst headache she had ever experienced. She groaned and reached for the glass of water that she always left on her nightstand. Her hand traced across the surface and eventually touched something unfamiliar. She cracked her eyes open in confusion and then her heart sank. She didn't recognize the room she was in. The events from before her blackout came rushing back into her mind and she squeezed her eyes shut in horror.

Terrence Vendetta had escaped and taken her with him to wherever it was he planned on hiding from authorities. She had been kidnapped by the world's most prolific criminal.

"How could I have been so stupid?" She muttered to herself, thinking about all of the times that she could have easily pieced together Terrence's escape plan.

She sat up in the giant bed, her head making her nearly collapse back into the sheets with a wave of nausea. The drugs they had used to knock her out were still wearing off and she felt ill.

The bedroom was bland and modern. A pair of plush armchairs with a small table sat in one corner of the room and a large potted plant added greenery to the space. The other side of the room had two doors and a set of double doors. A vanity stood between the double doors and one of the single doors, her Stanford hoodie resting on the wood surface. The wall facing her was all glass with a door that led to a terrace. There was more furniture to overlook the sprawling space of trees and beach below. From where she was sitting, Lilianna knew she was on a secluded plot of land.

Unable to escape, just like Terrence would have wanted.

Lilianna flung back the covers and hopped to the cold floor. She picked up her hoodie from the vanity and continued to look through the room. The single door right next to the vanity was a massive bathroom with its own small balcony near the tub. The double doors were for a closet. The right side had various suits and expensive men's clothing while the entire left side was stacked with women's clothing. Lilianna looked through the women's clothes in confusion, she didn't recognize any of them until she held the sleeve of a pink cashmere sweater. Hardy and Marilou had given it to her as a Christmas gift and it was one of her favourite articles of clothing that she owned. Upon further inspection, she slowly started to realize that her wardrobe from her place in Gander was mixed in with the rest of the expensive and unfamiliar clothing. Everything was meant to be hers.

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