Chapter 43: Roulette

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'These people want me in a casket still I roulette, I heard heaven got a place for me there but I don't know if I'm going'

Terrence waited for Lilianna to disappear into the bedroom before making his way to Jeremiah's office. He opened the door and slammed it shut, his tie immediately coming loose as he sat in the last open chair of the room. He kept his head down, his fingers rubbing his forehead slowly as he tried to keep himself from lashing out early. When he finally looked around the room, all the gangsters looked like shaking teenage boys who had been caught by mom with drugs in their backpacks.

"I don't care who talks first, but one of you better start yapping." He grumbled.

"I had nothing to do with this!" Matthew immediately threw his hands up in surrender. "All I know is that Otis was the nicest to Lilianna out of all them."

"Not true, I was a peach!" Brett snapped.

"You were the one who opened the door to his cell if anything you're the reason Lilianna is here!" Matthew pointed out.

"Which is what Boss wanted! How does that make me the bad guy? I did what I was ordered to do!" Brett defended.

"And what about Tollsada's Warden Doleman?" Terrence snapped. Brett froze and stuttered. "Yeah, that's right, still alive. You didn't do your job. I specifically told you to shoot the motherfucker dead. HE DOESN'T LOOK SO DEAD TO ME STANDING UP AT THOSE NEWS CONFERENCE PODIUMS, BRETTON!"

"I thought he was dead," Brett mumbled.

"Next time, when I tell you to kill someone, I want you to make sure there is not a possibility of revival. Understood?" The Boss ordered. Brett nodded and sank into his seat.

"I was kept up to date on the process of the mission by Commodore. I assigned him as my liaison." Jeremiah stated, his hands gripping the arms of his chair to stop them from shaking.

"And how did that go?" Terrence asked.

"He gave me daily updates on what Lilianna did during the time that she was not in sessions. These updates were provided at 10 pm Gander time." He answered.

"Were any in particular of concern?"

"There was one that said she had stolen Mikale's car and driven to the airport by herself in an act of rebellion."

"Ah," Terrence nodded slightly, his eyes trained on the floor. They snapped up and met Mikale. "I think I should hear about this unfortunate situation from Mikale himself."

"Boss I-"

"Save the excuses. Tell me what happened and I want it to be crystal clear to me that you failed at your job when you're done talking. Go." Terrence cut him off, his voice cold.

"She got mad and stole the keys right out of my jacket, that I was not wearing and ran to the car. She had the engine started and doors locked before I could stop her and she drove off. I followed using her car with Otis, he took her car back as I waited in the car using my spare key. When she arrived back I drove us home. I threatened her about running off and she was grounded after that to ensure she wouldn't run off again. She was angry but fairly compliant." He explained.

"Why was she mad at you in the first place?" Terrence asked.

"She wasn't mad at me-" Mikale started.

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