Chapter 8: Admit It

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'Stop cause it's overwhelming and I'm not prepared for goodbye, But you fucked up and you're trying to hide it, You can't let go of your pride'

Tollsada Bay Prison was quiet and it typically was. Despite being a supermax prison in the middle of the ocean to house the world's most wanted criminals, it was never loud. Most prisoners were kept in solitary and were in and out of psych evaluations much like the session Terrence Vendetta was used to sitting through.

Terrence and the other criminals never got to meet each other or socialize. They hated being locked away from the outside world but the one good thing about being an internationally wanted criminal meant no time on America's death row- so no one was complaining that much.

Terrence stood three feet away from the door to his cell, enjoying the sweet taste of Reese's peanut butter cups while he spoke to the man before him who stood on the other side of the open cell door.

"You need to calm the fuck down if you ever want to get out of here." The man said, taking a long drag from his vape pen before tossing it across the barrier to Vendetta.

"I am fully aware of what I have to do. People like to test my patience and that makes this whole thing very fucking difficult." He caught it swiftly and let the fruity-flavoured nicotine fill his lungs.

"That shit tastes like a candy store." Terrence snapped, throwing it back. "I thought they made one's that tasted like tobacco so I can at least feel like I'm smoking."

"They do but you know I hate tobacco so take what you can get, Boss." He laughed, taking another pull.

"How is she?" Terrence asked, his voice immediately softening.

"Otis says she's still pretty shaken up about the whole thing. Mikale is freaking out because apparently all she has done since the session is stare into oblivion." He answered.

"Well, that is a little concerning." Terrence tilted his head in agreement.

"Mikale thinks you broke the poor thing already."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Terrence glared at him.

"Don't shoot the messenger! I'm just telling you what he said when I called Otis last night." The man threw his hands in the air as a form of surrender and explained the conversation further. "The boys know her in a way you don't. They see her when she's not in the workplace and since the session she has seemed "off." I was told she hasn't spoken much and usually, she's the type to be snappy, especially with Mikale."

"Mikale always manages to piss off women." Terrence sighed.

"And to think that he's the straight one out of the two. Good luck getting laid sucker." The man cackled, throwing his head back as Terrence joined in laughing.

An air of seriousness clouded the conversation quickly, the man tapping his finger restlessly against the manila folder in his hands. Terrence nodded toward it, "What have you got for me?"

"Otis got some info out of her- they're pretty close all, all things considered. She hasn't exactly had shit easy in life and these made that clear." He explained, sliding the file across the floor and letting Terrence leaf through the photos.

"These are antidepressants." Terrence recognized them immediately.

"They're top-of-the-line SSRIs. The other one is for anxiety attacks. Casper did some digging and she's been on them for close to twelve years."

Terrence was stunned. "She would have been eight or nine when she started taking these."

"And from what I can tell she hasn't seen a therapist to deal with any of her shit. She mentioned having social development issues and I'm sure those meds didn't make that any easier to manage as a child genius." He continued, the file sliding back into his hands from the cement floor. "The other weird thing is that we can't find any record of a psychiatrist prescribing her these meds. She couldn't just end up with a medical cocktail like this at that age unless she went through some kind of expensive and very privatized healthcare company. Someone paid a lot of money to get her these meds and to keep her out of the system with them."

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