Chapter 11: Someone New

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'Some like to imagine the dark caress of someone else, I guess any thrill will do'

It was Lilianna's day off between sessions. She had finished all her reports and sent them to Hardy for final edits. With all the time on her hands, she could hardly spend the day relaxing. However, she was instead pacing around her bedroom in disarray.

She nervously looked at the door, and then towards the crates of books that sat in the corner of her room. She had finished reading every book she owned as of last week and had reread her favourites more than once since she had gone through the collection. She was desperate for new reading material, she needed to leave the house and got to the closest bookstore before she went mad.

The only problem was getting Mikale to say yes.

Since her Range Rover stunt, Lilianna couldn't go anywhere without one of the Elitists following her around. She was essentially barred from living her life on her own.

She was content with having one of them walk her around a bookstore. That wasn't her problem. Her issue was asking Mikale to take her in the first place. He could easily say no and then she would surely lose her mind.

"Just ask Otis. He'll say yes." She told herself, stopping mid-step in her pacing. "But Mikale has the car keys."

She started pacing again.

"What if, I tell Otis and explain my reason for going out in a way that makes it seem crucial? Then when he lets Mikale know, they can argue it out but Otis will ultimately win since they both have a secret soft spot for me." She theorized. "I mean how can they say no to me? I'm adorable."

"I won't argue with you there."

Lilianna yelped, spinning around and facing the man in her doorway.

"You could have announced yourself before scaring me half to death." She hissed at Commodore who was still laughing at her reaction.

"You're right, I'm sorry, baby girl." He apologized, stepping into the room and looking down at her. "Now, tell me what you're mumbling to yourself about?"


"I won't go running to Thing One and Thing Two if that's what you're scared of. Tell me what you need, and maybe I can help you." He grinned, hesitantly touching one of her cacti that sat on the closest window ledge.

"First of all, leave Manson alone!" She said, swatting his hand before moving her cactus to the far side of her window ledge, away from Commodore. "Secondly, how do I know you're on my side? I can't trust anyone in this house."

"Unlike the twins, I am here on my terms. I enjoy your cooking, your couch, and you. You make life as an Elitist something more than a criminal thrill." He answered.

"And that means I can trust you?" She scoffed.

"No, but I am a better option than Mikale, am I not?" He debated. She looked at him over the edge of her glasses, chewing her lip in wonder.

She finally caved, letting her shoulders slump. "I'm trying to figure out the most effective way to ask about leaving the house."

"Well, that's a valid reason for not telling me what you were scheming." Commodore sighed, looking at his feet.

"Hear me out, please?" She begged, hoping to guilt him into helping her.

"What's up, baby girl?" He gave her a slight smile, watching the hope spark in her eyes.

"I've read every book I own twice over since I started this case. I need new reading material because I'm bored. All I ask is that I go to the bookstore for an hour and get some new books. Please, it's all I want. Think about it, if you don't let me go I'll just go crazy and make your lives miserable in the process. I complain a lot when I'm bored." She rambled, her hands shaking slightly.

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