Chapter 53: Paradise

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'Don't miss me when I'm dead, Live life and don't think twice'

The lights flickered on in the concrete room, the only thing in the space was a metal chair. Tied to the chair was unconscious Second Circle mole; Josephine Cartworth. Previously the love interest to Elitist hitman, Bretton Konkar, Cartworth had been on the wrong side of the Elitists from the moment their lives crossed paths. Now it had come full circle, how ironic.

Josephine awoke abruptly, her chest heaving as she breathed heavily from the fear that suddenly sank into her bones. Regaining consciousness was a reminder of what situation she had gotten herself into and she was terrified. As she should be.

The metal door behind her slid open slowly, the screeching of the steel scrapping against the concrete ground making her cringe. Unable to look over her shoulder, she strained her ears to hear who was behind her. After a moment of pure silence, the sound of dress shoes approached at a steady pace, her heart rate increasing as the sound grew louder within the room. The steps stopped directly behind her, her eyes squeezing shut as she realized her fears were far worse than a vivid nightmare.

"What do we have here?"

She knew that voice. How could she not? How could she forget it? Sure, it had been more than three years since she had last heard it, but it still made her shake.

"It's been a while, Cartworth. Almost four years since I saw you last. Funny, I think the last time I did see you was the day you sped off from my mansion after stabbing one of my boys in the back with his own knife because you were a drunk who refused to go to rehab when we offered to get you help. I don't blame you, rehab is probably no better than prison and I know prison, but still, stabbing my hitman in his sleep? That's cold Joey, even for me. That must hurt to hear, Terrence Vendetta calling you a cold-hearted bitch? Ouch."

"If you're gonna kill me, then do it. Don't be a pussy about it!" Josephine snapped, turning her head as much as she could and glancing at Terrence over her shoulder. His face was blank, no smirk, no anger, nothing.

How was that more terrifying than any other emotion he could have shown?

"Oh, I'm not going to kill you!" Terrence suddenly laughed manically. "That would be too easy! And you see, Cartworth, taking your life would give me no satisfaction. However, watching Brett take out his long-time pent-up anger towards you by making you wish you were dead; that sounds like my kind of Netflix series."

"Does he even know I'm here?" She questioned, keeping her head held high as she tried not to shake in her seat.

"Of course he does! Why, did you think he would be mad that we decided to teach you a lesson? No, he was overjoyed that out of all the people who decided to play snake, it was you! Two birds, one stone. How convenient for me!" Terrence shrugged, walking around so that he now stood in front of her. She looked up and met his gaze, his eyes cold and full of anger. He wore a dark grey suit and a blood-red tie, his shoes were shiny and brand new, he looked like a million dollars worth of male sex appeal. Terrence never disappointed when it came to looking good, that much everyone knew, but to see him dressed to the nines in a torture chamber with nothing but murder on his mind was disturbing.

"I'm not scared of you Terrence." She spat, her eyes full of hatred as she looked up at him. His smirk dropped and he kissed his teeth slowly.

"That won't last." He muttered.

"You won't get away with this. Not for long." She shook her head. Terrence burst into laughter, bending over to brace himself on his knees as he did.

"Oh really? And why is that, Joey? Is your little lawyer friend gonna find you and play Superman? Or are you going to pull a Great Escape and get yourself out? Or even better, are you waiting on the FBI and the special forces and the SWAT teams to storm in and kill me to save the hostage? Which one is it?" He asked sadistically.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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