chapter 15

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When I got back to my dorm holly wasn't talking to me, it was abit odd. She looked at me weird when nick picked me up and spun me around.

She is sitting on her bed on her laptop.
"Holly are you upset with me because me and issac won?"
", no of course not, I'm just realy tired"
"Oh ok, sorry"
"No your good"


I get back to my dorm and I'm in the best mood, I spun Ellie around and she didnt yell at her. I wanna tell her how i feel, but if I tell her how it will ruin the mission.

I open the door and see jack sitting at his desk.
"Hey man!"
"Hah someones in a good mood"
"Yeah, well I did win a huge competition"
"True, anyway whats it about?"
"Well, it's erm about two NCIS
agents well four but 2 are the main people"
"Sounds great".

Time skip...

Its time for our cheak in with Gibbs and mcgee. I text bishop and tell her to meet me at the library.

She gets here and her nose is red from the cold.
I gibe her a little smile and we head inside.

I open my laptop, turn on Skype and call Gibbs. I hand Ellie an airpod and we start.

"So how is it going?" Gibbs says.
"Well it's going ok, no leads yet tho" i say.
"Yeah no one is supespitious" Ellie says.
"As expected,it is only the first 3 weeks, anything else we should know about?" McGee buts in.
"Well our play won so that should make it Abit easier to get to know everyone better".
I say with a smile.

After another 10 mins of us just chatting me and Ellie head back to our dorms.


I'm  on my way back to my dorm when Jack comes up to me.
"Hi,you must be jasmine, I'm jack, Isaacs room mate, I've heard alot about you. I'm actualy pretty intrested In you, do you think we could meet up and go out for a coffee tomorrow?"
"Oh im flattered but me and issac are actualy dating" I say as nicely as I can.
"Oh, Well you know, he dosnt have to  know".
"No, I'm sorry I couldn't do that to issac".
"Oh come on" Jack says placing his hands on my waste.
"I said No!" I say in a stern voice pushing him off me.
"Ooh someone dosnt know how to take a complement"
I stop and look at him in disbelief.
"Ok, jasmine, I'm realy sorry i dont know what got into me there"
"Mhmm ok bye"

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