chapter 6

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I'm on my way to work when I get a call from mcgee.

"Hey! Have you visited Ellie?"
"Yeah,she didn't have a clue who I was, Tim im worried"
"I am aswell, but it's Eleanor Bishop she's strong"


I'm in the hospital room with Bishop when she whispers a name.
I shoot my head around.. She's awake.
"What did you just say?"
"I-I remember... McGee,Tim"
"Yes, Ellie thats great!"


"McGee, she remembers you"
"No way, really,"
"Yeah come down to the hospital, Don't tell Nick"


Its interrigatiom time and 1st up is nick. I know he didn't, he wouldn't do it but... I still have to ask.

"Where were you at the time of the incident?"
"I was with mcgee in the bathroom."
"Did you see anyone near or around Ellie's desk?"
"Only jake when he was dropping off boxes.."
"When did you notice Ellie's body on the ground?"
"When gibbs pointed it out."


I get to the hospital and i walk up to Ellie's door, take a deep breath and walk in.
"Hey elle"
"Hey Tim"
"How are you?"
"I'm good thanks... I'm sorry I didn't remember you".
"It's ok Elle you do now"

A few minutes go by and then gibbs looks around at Ellie.
"Do you remember nick?"
"Nick... erm Nick TORRES"
Gibbs face lights up...
"Do you remember what happened?"

All I remember is.....


"After the interrogation I sit at my desk waiting for a phone call, when all of a sudden it rings.
"Nick Torres"
"Nick we need you down at the hospital"
"I, is everything ok?"
"you'll see when you get here please just hurry"


I told mcgee to call nick, he did. He comes back in and me and bishop look at him.
"He's on his way"
"Ok" bishop says
"Elle van you tell us what you remember now?"

"I remember coming in and seeing nick and mcgee play hangman, i went to the bathroom and when i came back they were gone. I took some of my water and after around 5 minutes I started to feel ... weird"

"Did you see anyone near or around your desk?"
"No, but i did see jake walking out to his car if that helps"


Im in the hospital parking lot and I hear my phone ring..
"Nick are you close?"
"Yeah Tim coming in now"
"Ok good see you"

I get into the hospital and run straight towards Ellie's room. I see her sitting on her bed reading a book.
"Hey Elle..!"
"Hey..... Nick" Ellie laughs.
My face lights up..

" r..remember me?" I ask.
"Of course I dont know how i forgot you!"

I run and hug her. She hugs me back,at that moment gibbs and McGee walk in. I look around and see them smiling.
Ellie looks so happy..


After Nick came in around 5 minutes later the nurse come in.
"Eleanor Bishop?"
"Yup that's me!"
"You will be discharged from hospital tomorrow, i wish you well!" The nurse says with a smile..

'I'm sooooo happy I get to go home, Im miserable here' I think to myself.
Nick sits on my bed and puts his arm around me. I read my book and slowly start to fall asleep.



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