chapter 20

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I get into work and head straight towards my desk., I do as much research on jake as humanly possible until gibbs walks in.
"What's up tim"
"It's been jake all along and we didn't even look into him"
"How do you know"
"Ellie, she got a picture of him before he drove into them, I've alerted the NSA and they said they'll send him here on a "message""

After about 2 hours I hear the elevator ding. Its jake.
"Hey McGee, my boss told me I was to  deliver this to you"
" thanks jake just leave it on that desk there"
"Oh what happened to your face?"
"Oh um I fell down the stairs, embarrassing I know" jake fake laughs.
"Oh realy"
"Yeah, uhm where's Ellie?"
"She was in a really severe accident, she erm passed away earlier this week"
"Oh really what a shame, well I better get going"

"And where do you think your going?"
Director asks standing in front of Jake blocking his path.
"Back to work, what's all this about!?"
"McGee would you do the honors?"
I grab the remote and put up the pictures that bishop caught on her phone and jake goes pale.
"Jake molloy you are under arrest for the attempt murder of ellie bishop, you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law......." gibbs says placing him in had cuffs.
"What do you mean attempt murder you told me she was dead"
"Yeah and you didn't even try to hide the fact you didn't care" I say snarling at him.


Back at the hospital*

I arrive to pick ellie up and tell her the news about jake. I walk I to her room and find her packing her stuff.
"So, you ready to leave?"
"Almost, I just need to grab a few more things then I'm good to go."
"ok take your time"

After around 5 minutes the nurse comes in.
"Ellie, here are your meds the instructions on how to take them are in the bag"
"Thank you!" She says softly while picking up her bags.
I quickly run in front of her and grab the two heavy bags and she gives me a look.
"What I'm letting you carry the small one?" She gives me a smile and we head out the door.


I get home and I walk over to the couch. Nick sits beside me.
"Thanks for dropping me home"
"Oh, yeah no it's no problem"
We sit I  silence for a minute when I grab the remote.
"Uhm Ellie , can we talk for a second" nick says clearing his throat.
"Of course, what's up?"

Nick grabs my hind and my heart sinks to my stomach. I know its gonna be bad news, it has to be.

I look into his eyes.
"Everything ok?"
"Yeah uhm, when we got into that accident, I uhm, I thought I lost you"
I see a tear roll from his eye.
"You didnt loose me, I'm right here"
I say placing my hand on his heart.
"Ellie I love you so much, please never do that to me again!" He sobs.
"Oh nick..."


At the office, I'm sitting in my chair, it's been about 3 hours since jake when down for what he did to Ellie. I sit here staring at her empty desk. It breaks my heart. I can't imagine how we will last without her there bringing all the joy and laughter into the room.
Gibbs walks in and slowly sits down.
"Go home tim"
"No,boss, I'm fine:
"Its not a request it's an order, go home".


I stay looking into her eyes as her hand reaches for my cheek.i cry into her palm until she opens her mouth.
"Nick, I know this hurts but you need to let me go, move on, please this isn't healthy"
"I know, just, just five more minutes"
"Nick you need to let me go, its ok"

I shoot up from my bed in pure distraught. I check my alarm clock
5:36 am. I throw on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and black top. When I get to my car I contemplate not going at all.
I get to where I need to be and walk for a while before I see it.

'Here lies a beloved friend, daughter and sister, gone but never forgotten, Eleanor Bishop"

I kneel down and place the flowers o bought for her.

"If we had five more minutes" I say hugging the stone.
"Five more minutes"

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