Chapter 17

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The next morning, I played quietly on the pianoforte. I was only partially interested in the task, and so the notes felt rather disconnected and flat. I woke that morning feeling worlds better than I had when I went to sleep. My heart still ached, but the heavy black pit in my stomach was gone, and I felt that I could live with the pain that was leftover.

I thought about the memorial, and realized something that was rather bothersome...I'd longed for the support of Seth's friendship through the ordeal. He had stood so distantly from me, and we spoke not a word the entire day. I could have been mad. I could have recalled my memory back to the rejection on the ship, and the humiliation I'd felt from his words. But instead, I only missed him, and wished our friendship could be returned to what it had been before. Perhaps it was time to speak with him, to discuss all that had gone wrong. Perhaps all this could still be mended, and I could regain my friend.

"Good morning," Levi said, entering the room with a small smile. He looked so odd in black clothes, for he usually wore quite light colors.

My fingers fell away from the keys, and I smiled. "Goodmorning." I slid to the other end of the bench I sat on, and motioned for him to join me. The wood creaked familiarly beneath us, and I was grateful once more to be amongst such familiar sounds and feelings.

"How's Charity?" I asked.

"She's well." A smile I'd grown to love these past months he'd courted her spread across his face. It was a smile of pure joy, and comfort. Of longing and hope. And only Charity could bring it out of him. "Em, we're going to be married next month. I still have to discuss the details with Father. I want him here if he's able. But I wanted to ask this too soon to the news of Elias? I'm aware that my excitement may be clouding my judgement, and I do not want to dishonor your mourning by being married so soon."

"No, don't be foolish," I said, putting a hand on his knee. "I think it's perfectly appropriate. Besides, Elias would be thrilled to know of your engagement, and I have no doubt he would urge you to be married tomorrow if it were possible. And..." A lump rose to my throat, but I waited patiently for it to disappear and continued on. "And I do not think he would want us to remain in mourning for long. Perhaps the wedding would be the proper event to come out of our mourning."

His smile was so full of relief and love, I thought I should like to always preserve it. "I appreciate that...and I think you're right. Elias was quite the romantic wasn't he? Sometimes I marvel how different the two of you were while being entirely the same. don't think people will talk?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course they will, but no one of consequence. Heaven knows Mercy Taylor will talk more than anyone else, but she is of no importance. Certainly not as much as she could ever dream to think. When she came to the service yesterday, I could not fathom why she felt welcomed! I wanted to storm up to her and forbid her from going near Elias's stone. I could wring Mother's neck for inviting her."

Levi scowled, and turned a bit to face me more fully. "Emmeline, I invited Mercy. Bridle your know how Elias loved her. Do not tell me he would not want her there."

My heart grew hot, and I found that I had no restraint over the disgusted expression on my face. I thought back to the night Elias had begun his courtship with Mercy. He'd returned home red faced and absolutely bursting with excitement. It had been months since he'd told me of his love for her, and at last, he'd gathered the courage to confess all he felt for her. She returned the sentiment, and the courtship flourished. She was my dearest friend and I was initially disturbed by the whole ordeal. But seeing his joy gave me something far beyond happiness. Every time he called upon her, he would sneak into my room to tell me of all that was said and shared. I'd watched excitedly as their relationship progressed, and he admitted to loving her beyond all else. I'd sent him off with a kiss on the cheek the night he planned to propose to her. 

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