Chapter 36

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My knuckles were so cold, they ached from knocking on Richard's door, and I was growing impatient. He very clearly was home, for the lights inside cast a warm glow onto the street. Nor was it an unreasonable hour of the day. I felt like shouting his name to truly get his attention, along with perhaps a few choice words, but bit my tongue. At last, the door opened and Richard scowled. I'd annoyed him, I'm sure, but I didn't care.

His expression softened the moment he saw me, and he ushered me inside. "Emmeline, what's wrong?"

"It's...Levi needs...I found..." It felt as though I had a thousand words, all jumbled within my brain that came spilling out at once. I could not for the life of me form a coherent sentence, and so sighed in frustration.

"Deep breath, child," Richard said gently. "Calm yourself and try once more."

I took a long breath, composed my thoughts as well as I could, and began again. "Lieutenant Alcock has gone for the week, so I thought I'd go through his room. When I did, I found this impression of a letter." I drew the impression from my pocket and handed it to him with shaking fingers. "I haven't the slightest idea what to do, so I came to you," I said.

His eyes scanned over the parchment, and I knew exactly when he read those horrid words, for his head jerked back as though he'd been slapped and he scowled deeply. I have cause to believe Levi Reed, the son of Major Cyrus Reed, to be engaged in espionage...

"And you say Lieutenant Alcock has gone for the week? When did he leave?" The lines which already crossed between his eyebrows from decades of scowling grew into deep grooves. 

"Just this morning. Perhaps two hours past."

"And it's likely he has this letter in his possession."

I nodded solemnly. "Yes. I've already gone to tell Levi, but Charity says he is in Scarsdale on business and isn't to return for days. I...Richard, I don't know what to do."

He glanced at me in a way that demonstrated compassion as I'd never before seen from him. Did he think Levi was already a dead man? Was he frightened for the things to come? Either way, the way in which his eyes watched me made me want to weep, and I had to look away.

"Alright," he said, his voice calm and careful. "Alright, let's figure this out." He began to read over the letter and rubbed at his cheek. I stood in silence, just waiting for him to give me some sort of direction. But he certainly took his time, and I felt like a bird trapped in a cramped cage. I wanted do something. Now. There was clearly much to be done and I couldn't handle it just standing and waiting. At last, he nodded and began towards his office.

"The letter is addressed to Major Andre, who at this time is at the winter encampment in upper New York. That is where the Lieutenant is headed, I've no doubt." He began to rummage through the drawers of his desk and pulled from them a small gun. He tucked it into his belt and grabbed a worn riding bag off a hook in the wall. "We'll need Seth in order to find the encampment...among other things."

My heart clenched tightly at the mention of Seth. And I didn't dare ask what he meant by the other things we may need Seth for. "But he cannot just...leave his ranks."

"Can't he? He is a Captain, and a well respected one. The armies are camped for winter, and I'm sure if he will be allowed any leave, it would be now. I know where he is camped with his men. You and I will ride into the camp as father and daughter, selling our crops to the army for food. Since we're newcomers, Seth will be called forward to question us and will of course allow us through. I will leave to find Levi. I know Scarsdale well, and have enough friends there who can point me in the direction of your brother. Seth will take you towards the winter encampment, but you will need to be fast enough to intercept the letter before it reaches Andre."

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