Minor Revelations And Departure

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Reminder: Dialogue written like this - "blah blah blah", indicates the person is speaking in Ancient Greek. 

Percy's P.O.V.

I lay on the gazebo floor, my legs dangling over the edge and my feet submerged in the ebbing and flowing tide. Will and Nico sit to my left, conversing about a villain attack that occurred earlier this afternoon with frowning but thoughtful expressions. I stare up at the small, arched wood roof of the gazebo, absent-mindedly swinging my bare feet back and forth beneath the cool water. The soothing feel of the waves helps wash away the remainder of my irritation and bitterness. While I do think Nico went a bit far today, his argument wasn't wrong. Being a hero isn't as glorious and amazing as the people of this world make it out to be.

The sound of approaching footsteps pulls me from my thoughts and I arch my back, craning my head back to look at the upside-down figure walking towards us. Once I catch sight of the familiar crop of red and white hair being ruffled by the gentle wind coming off the ocean, I lie back down and resume swinging my legs in the water. Nico and Will take notice of him too and Will greets him as he walks up to us and sits down.

"Hello Shoto."

"Hello Will. It took me awhile to find you guys," he says, shifting to get comfortable. I sit up and turn so I'm facing the three of them, snagging one of the snacks we'd bought before arriving at the beach and taking a bite. 

"You guys doing okay? You all seemed rather upset earlier, especially Nico," he asks, his voice thankfully void of sympathy or pity, just mild concern. Nico scowls and grabs a small box of chicken nuggets, preferring to eat instead of talk. I sigh.

"Yeah, sorry about that. We're just not used to the way heroes are viewed here. It kinda rubbed us the wrong way. We meant no offense."

Shoto nods. "From what you guys told us of your lives and what it's like where you're from, I'm not overly surprised that you would react that way to how we do things here. It must seem a bit insulting to you to see the 'hero profession' being viewed and done the way it is here and I apologize for that."

I wave him off. "It's not you fault Shoto. We're just used to dealing with dangerous situations and getting nothing in return except for a bunch of scrapes, bruises, and loss. Seeing people treat it as if it's a game or just a way to gain glory and fame is indeed a tad insulting, but it's not really our place to judge how people here choose to deal with the dangers that arise on a daily basis."

I shrug and take another bite of my snack. Nico keeps chomping away at his nuggets. Shoto nods at my words, his brow furrowed. 

"How long have you guys been doing hero work?" He asks, looking at us with polite curiosity.

The three of us look at each other uncertainly, unsure how to answer. Will ends up being the one to take the plunge.

"Well I wouldn't call what we do hero work per say, more like conveniently saving others while trying to survive dangerous and often deadly situations. We're mostly referred to as heroes because we've had to fight and beat foes angling for world domination and destruction in order to survive and protect our friends and family."

I snort. "Yeah, you'd think at least one of them would of thought of something original, but nooo, it always has to be world domination. The consistent one-track-mindedness has gotten really old to be honest."

Shoto raises an eyebrow at me but turns back to Will who continues.

"Yes, well as for how long we've been fighting, it differs per person. I've been doing it for about three or four years myself." (It doesn't actually say in the books or on his wiki how long he's been fighting/at Camp so I just guessed he went when he was 11/12. Sue me.)

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