chapter ten

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It was already mid-afternoon by the time I finally decided I should do something productive with my day.

I had almost forgotten what to do with free time, it's been so long since I had a break.

Sure, I could practice and sharpen my combat skills, but I can hardly bear the thought of exerting any amount of energy right now. Studying at the Jedi Archives it is, I guess.

Somewhere between reading, meditating, and completely zoning out, the afternoon and most of the evening had passed.

I stood up from my seat, closing a book about ancient Jedi Temples or something incredibly boring like that. Placing it back on it's shelf, I gave a friendly bow to the librarian, Master Jocasta Nu, and walked out.

Since no one in our battalion had any responsibilities today, I came across the clones, relaxing amongst themselves. I smiled at the sight— they deserve the downtime, the Jedi owe it to them for everything they do for us and the Republic.

They looked up at me as I approached. I couldn't help but wonder why Captain Wolffe wasn't there, maybe he's cleaning his armor or something.
"Hello Commander," a few of them said.
"Hey," I waved, "What've you boys been up to?"

"Oh, just enjoying our time off. But we were thinking about going to 79's tonight. You wanna come?" Sinker asked.

"Hell yeah, count me in," I said.

"Good. We'll meet you there soon."

After a short meditation back in my dormitory, I put on my robe and headed down to meet the boys. I was really excited; I could hardly remember the last time I had time to go out like this.

The cantina was a short cab ride above the streets of Coruscant. I found myself lost in thought as I watched the mesmerizing lights of the inner city speed by; it's hard these days to stop and admire the beauty of things, always having to keep moving and keep your guard up in the war.

The illuminated sign of 79's, the clone bar, came into view as the cab pulled up to the entrance. Tossing the driver a handful of credits, I opened the door and walked into the cantina.

The wave of booming music hit me instantly, a few drunken clones bumping into me as I maneuvered through the crowd.

Luckily, I caught a glimpse of a clone whom I recognized to be Captain Wolffe. I wondered where he was. He ushered for me to come over to the group he was talking with.

A few heads turned to watch me as I made my way over— 79's is primarily a clone bar, but every now and then locals come around for a drink or two, and they're usually not used to seeing Jedi.

"Glad you could make it, Commander," Wolffe said.

"Me too. I needed a break," I said as I scanned the faces of the people he was chatting with, and easily noticed one of the faces was not identical to the others.

It was a woman. She had beautiful, dark hair and striking brown eyes. Her black clothing clung elegantly to her hourglass figure, and I couldn't help but feel intimidated in her presence. I've never seen her before, so I know she's not a Jedi— must be another local looking to hit on some clones.

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