chapter two

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A/N: I originally had the main character as just Y/N, but I decided I wanted to make her an OC. Her name is Vienna, yes inspired by the Billy Joel song lolll

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It was early and I could hear the faint shuffling throughout the Jedi Temple. My back cracked as I sat up, without a doubt from sleeping on the pathetic excuses for beds in our personal quarters. The room itself was a mere 50 square feet- I might be exaggerating, but it's not exactly comfortable.

I stumbled over to dress myself in my usual attire, nothing too fancy, only a gray and white tunic along with black pants that I tucked into some boots. Leaving my padawan braid hanging behind my ear, I threw my hair into a simple braid, which was considerably difficult without a mirror- they really give us nothing here, don't they? Grabbing my dark brown robe off the cold floor, I started down the hall.

Politely smiling and bowing my head at a few passing masters, I couldn't help but ponder the superficiality of our system. How are the Jedi expected to work as a cohesive unit when we're forbidden any real connections? I've always felt alone, and it's not like I've ever been physically alone. It's just that I crave to be human... something against the code that I swore to obey.

As I finally reached the hangar and was ripped back to reality, I was approached by Captain Wolffe.
"Morning Commander," he said as he smiled and gave me a sarcastic salute. I laughed.
"Ready to kick some clanker ass?" Comet said as he joined us.
"Hell yeah," I said confidently and the clones all cheered. The Wolfpack were honestly my only friends, even though Jedi weren't supposed to have 'friends.' But they're cool dudes to say the least.

I felt another presence and turned to see my master.
"Good morning Master Plo." I gave him a kind smile.
"Hello Vienna," he said, and he turned to address the whole battalion and I. "We're headed to the Abregado system. The Separatists have a new weapon; the council has told me it is dangerous. Its last few attacks haven't left a single survivor. Our mission is to destroy it."

All the confidence I walked in with had since weakened. How powerful was this weapon, and how were we planning on destroying it without reinforcements?
Master Plo must have sensed my uncertainty because he gave me a comforting pat on the shoulder.
"Let's load up and head out boys," he addressed the clones as he nodded at me to ensure I was okay. I nodded back, but couldn't help that I had a bad feeling about this mission. I quickly shook it off and followed my master to the ship.

We took off and were there in no time. The closer we got, I could start to see the sinister shadow of the Malevolence and let out an ever so slight gasp as I took in the sight of the massive weapon attached to it.
Captain Wolffe came behind Master Plo and I. "The enemy ship has reduced it's speed, General," he announced.
"They must have realized we are tracking them," my master responded with a bewildering calmness in his voice. I widened my eyes, enough for Wolffe and Plo to take notice.

"You two do realize we're alone out here, don't you? I'm not going to let us die at the hands of those Separatist cowards." I'm never this paranoid for a mission, in fact my master usually has to tell me to keep my over-confidence in check. But more importantly, he has always taught me to trust my instincts.
Master Plo shook his head a little.
"I suppose you're right Vienna. I think it would be wise to report our position before we attack."

"Skywalker's fleet is nearby, in the Bith system," Captain Wolffe suggested. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, I know, real mature of me when his battalion could possibly prevent our destruction today and I was the one who felt the need for backup, but why him? I can barely even stand the thought of him. Anakin Skywalker. Just because some old hippie with a ponytail thought he was the 'Chosen One' doesn't give people the right to treat him like some sort of god, or for him to act like one.

I've only ever met Anakin once, and I like to forget that interaction. Since Ahsoka and I were good friends as younglings, I try to check in on her every now and then. She recently began her padawan training and her master is of course, none other than Skywalker.


Ahsoka and I were catching up before my mission when he showed up.
"Oh, hey master. This is my old friend, Vienna, she's Master Plo's padawan that I was telling you about," she introduced me excitedly.
He gave me an odd look up and down. "...Padawan?" he chuckled. I was not amused, I'm only 19, and he only recently became a Jedi Knight.
"Still could out-duel you any day, Skywalker," I said as I threw him a glare.
"I'd like to see you try," he shot back. Ahsoka stood awkwardly looking between the two of us.
"Uhh anyways... good luck on your mission, Vienna," she offered half sincerely, half just trying to diffuse the tension.
"She'll need it," Anakin smirked. What was his problem with me? I don't get it.
I rolled my eyes and turned away from his stupid face. Jedi aren't supposed to let their feelings bother them, but my internal anger at that moment was on another level.

—End of flashback—

I really hoped I wouldn't have to even look at him again any time soon, let alone the thought of him possibly saving us? My pride could never.

Master Plo, Wolffe, and I approached the hologram.
"From what I hear, Skywalker's always ready for a fight," Wolffe said.
"You're not wrong," I shrugged.
Plo tuned in to the computer and Anakin and Ahsoka appeared. I made eye contact with Anakin and we gave each other a sarcastic smile.

"Koh-to-ya, Master Plo. Hey Vienna," she said kindly.
I smiled, genuinely this time, and Plo said, "Koh-to-ya, little 'soka," whatever that means.
After my Master filled them in on our current predicament, Anakin claimed the council had given him strict orders to remain where he was. The communication then began to cut out, and soon after, we lost them.

I hope to the force that this bad feeling of mine will be all for nothing. And I, above all, hope that my ass won't end up having to be rescued by Anakin Skywalker.

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A/N: Aye first kinda real chapter. Hope it's not bad hahaha lmk what you think (not that very many of you read this yet)

*also I made Wolffe a Captain in this because I gave Plo a padawan, so she would be the Commander. I know he's Commander Wolffe in TCW so just didn't want anyone to get mad or confused about that. :))

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