quick psa

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hello there guys!! first i wanna say don't worry- i'm not discontinuing this story lol. i just wanted to tell y'all this so you weren't wondering what was taking me so long to update

so i'm a junior currently and the AP exams and finals are super close and i be stressinnnn haha. bc like gotta get good grades so i get into ✨college✨ if any of you are also taking exams i wish you good luck!!! we got this

anyways i've literally had no time or motivation to write this outside of all my schoolwork and studying so i think i'm gonna take a break for at least a month ish🤷🏼‍♀️

i really appreciate you all so much for reading and enjoying star-crossed, it means a lot, and i wanna make sure im giving the chapters my best effort and putting the time into them that i need. since i currently do not have that time, i thought it would be best to take a lil time off and then continue when things calm down!!

thank you for understanding hehe and happy May the 4th on tuesday my fellow nerds <3

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