chapter three

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No reinforcements. No signal. No luck. Our ship was a sitting duck.

I paced around the cabin.
"We're picking up a large energy reading from the target, sir," Wolffe told Master Plo.
"Open fire," he commanded with no hesitation.
"But Master, we're not in range yet!" I shouted, worried what the outcome of Plo's order might be. I know I have to trust him, but I also have to trust my own instincts and my bad feeling that hasn't gone away.

My master began to protest, when we saw the weapon fire, sending a massive ion blast right for us.
He only had time to shout, "Brace for impact!" before our cruiser was struck and began to destabilize. Wolffe was frantically pushing buttons on the computer.
"We're losing all power! That energy field has left us defenseless!" Oh my, our shields are down. One shot and we're toast.

Without missing a beat, Grievous' ship began to fire all cannons.
"They're tearing us apart one by one," said Wolffe as he looked between my master and I for directions. I glanced out the window to see another one of our cruisers getting blown to bits. The debris rained on our ship, only further damaging the exterior.

"Quickly, into the pods! We don't have much time. Get inside. Hurry!" Plo yelled as we waved the clones by to ensure they all made it into an escape pod. My master and I then joined Captain Wolffe, Sinker, and Boost in one of the pods and ejected at once.

I couldn't help but feel like this was all my fault. Master Plo asked me if anything was wrong before the mission and I know I should've told him. Ever since I was a youngling, I'd had these 'premonitions' as Master Yoda called them. He'd always told me that I had a very strong mind and though I should be careful interpreting my intuition, it would never fail me if I trusted myself. But today, I failed us all.

After a few minutes deep in thought, Wolffe finally spoke.
"The power grid is burned out. We've no engines, communications, or life support recharge."
"So we'll just sit here and hold our breath then. Perfect," I said.
"Let's get the power restored so we are here to be found," Master Plo offered. I certainly don't want Skywalker to be the one to rescue us, but I know Ahsoka would never leave us to die out here. But for the sake of my ego, I hope we can figure something out.

"The air in here is getting a bit stale," Wolffe joked, trying to lighten the mood.
"Don't look at me. It's Boost, sir. He only takes a bath when he's on leave," said Sinker.
"Save it. Just keep working on the pod, not your jokes," snapped Boost. The tension was uncomfortable, but I understood their frustration. It's definitely harder to find the humor when your impending doom is staring you in the face.

I turned to Plo.
"Do you think we have a chance, Master?"
"I don't believe in chance, Vienna. I know if we work together, we will stay alive, and someone will find us."
"I hope you're right," I forced a small smile.

Boost suddenly pointed out the windscreen.
"Sir, there's another pod out there." All of us ran up to take a look. I stroked my chin as I thought.
"If only we had power, we could contact them," I hopelessly pointed out.
"Well, how about we just wave 'hello' when the viewport comes around?" Boost chuckled slightly.

Master Plo used the force to turn the pod around, and I audibly gasped. The windshield was broken and the clones inside were dead.
"Someone busted that pod wide open," Wolffe said, in disbelief. My master stared straight ahead.
"We are not alone out here."

After a long time pacing and watching the clones fool around with random wires, they miraculously got the power back on. We all rushed over when the comm began to go off.
"We are under attack! Is anyone out there?" the voice of a clone said. We had to go help them. They relayed their position as we started toward the coordinates, but their voices became more frantic and full of fear.

We got there just in time to see a small ship rip open the pod, causing the clones to be thrown into space. The pit in my stomach grew.
"They're hunting for survivors."
"Things just got a whole lot worse," said Sinker as the ship approached our pod. Plo stood up.
"Vienna and I will fight it off from outside." He tossed me an extra helmet. "Put your helmets on. This is a difficult situation, but there remains a possibility we will survive."

My master and I climbed to the top of the pod. We came face to face with five battle droids. Our blue lightsabers each ignited and we destroyed them with ease. That took care of one problem, but we were still stranded. The clones shook their heads in defeat, prompting Plo to speak up.
"Why are you so certain no one is coming?"
"We're just clones sir, we're meant to be expendable," said Boost.
"Not to us," I assured as I offered him a smile. "We're going to survive. We all are." Maybe if I said it out loud, I would believe it more.

As if I had summoned it myself, a ship flew toward us and latched a tow cable onto the pod. Pulling it inside, I caught a glimpse of Ahsoka and, ugh, Anakin standing in the cockpit doorway. They rushed over to us as we collapsed on the ground coughing, the helmets could only withstand pressure for so long.

"Master Plo! Vienna! Are you guys okay?" Ahsoka asked, her voice full of concern, and Anakin tended the clones the same. A medical droid entered and took the clones in for treatment. Plo looked around sadly.
"Tell me, were there any other survivors?"
They both shook their heads and my heart dropped.

"I'm sorry, Master Plo," Ahsoka said as she gave him a hug. I stood back and let them have their sweet moment, that is, until someone ruined it.
"Aw do you want a hug too, Vienna?"
"Shut up, Skywalker." I nodded a silent thanks to Ahsoka as I headed toward the med center.
"It seems like you needed more than luck for this mission. And I don't even get a thank you for saving your life," he trailed after me.
"It's nice to know that my near death is a joke to you. And for the record, I don't owe you anything." The stress and adrenaline really don't have me in the mood for his comments.

"Don't make me regret rescuing you, Padawan." I was trying to keep my cool. Yeah, it didn't work. I spun around and faced him, only a couple inches from his arrogant smirk.
"Oh, you will."

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A/N: sorry it was kinda long and there wasn't much of anakin. im trying to make her have relationships with other characters and not just the love interest bc i hate when fanfics make the oc's life revolve around the guy. hope it's not too boring tho, i promise he'll be in it more from now on.

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