lonely heart • evan buckley; 9-1-1

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genre(s): little angsty, mostly fluffy
pairing(s): evan buckley x sister reader
characters: evan buckley; christopher diaz; mention of maddie buckley
fandom: 9-1-1 (fox)
warning(s): language
other notes: this sucks
keywords: y/n: your name
y/bf/n: your boyfriend's name




"i'll kill him," buck grumbles to himself after you'd just finished explaining to him why you showed up announced at his doorstep. a little louder, "i'll fucking kill him, i swear."

"no, buck," you sniffle, wiping at your nose which had a little bit of snot leaking out. "it's okay, really. i mean, you and maddie both tried to warn me. it's my fault i didn't listen."

"it doesn't matter if we 'tried to warn' you. the fucker shouldn't have cheated on you anyway."

"can i just, stay with you tonight, please? i can't handle seeing him."

you and you boyfriend (ex-boyfriend) had been living in a little apartment in los angeles together. today was meant to be your two year anniversary, and you hadn't told him you managed to get the day off. you'd planned on surprising him with tickets to the lakers, his favorite team. you walked in with a bottle of his favorite drink, the tickets in a nice purple and yellow envelope, only to hear moans and groans coming from your bedroom. you'd peeked in to find him banging another girl; they hadn't seen you, so you closed the door as quietly as you could and ran back out to your car, not sure where exactly you were headed until you parked in front of your older brother's, buck's, apartment.

"sure," he nods once, offering you a small smile.

he pulls you into his chest, and you happily accept the hug with a sigh of ... relief?

buck had always been there for you, ever since you were born. he had always been fiercely protective of his two sisters.

"here," you pull away from the hug and hand him the envelope with the lakers tickets. "maybe you and eddie can go."

buck looks at the envelope for a quick second before tossing it onto his entryway table.

"come in, you're letting all the hot air in."

"shut up," you can't help but laugh as you step into the cool apartment.

the tv is on in the main room, playing a show you're unfamiliar with. it looks cartoonish. it's then you notice the head on curly hair on the couch; you smile brightly to yourself.

little chris and his absolutely contagious smile is exactly what you need right now to feel better.

you creep up behind him, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him back to you.

"y/n!" christopher squeals, reaching up to wrap his arms back around your neck.

"hello, my love!" you coo. "what're you watching?"

"goosebumps series," he answers.

goosebumps. you'd heard of it; it had been on when you were a kid, but you were always too scared to watch it back then.

"may i watch it with you?"

"of course!"

you let out a little squeak, moving around the couch to take a seat next to the young boy.

buck moves into the kitchen to do who knows what. you sit silently with chris, watching the show with intense interest.

occasionally, you ask chris a question and he answers enthusiastically.

soon, you're forgetting all about the man you left at your apartment.

you frown.

where would you go after you told y/bf/n you caught him cheating? surely you weren't going to stay with him at the apartment.

"i made lunch," buck announces, carrying a tray of three bowls filled with pasta puttanesca and three glasses of sparkling cider.

you peer into the bowls.

"you did not make these!" you say, grabbing a bowl and a glass.

buck moves to sit on the other side of chris.

you set the glass on the end table and dig in to your pasta.

it's surprisingly good.

delicious, even.

"i've been working on my kitchen skills," buck chuckles lightly, earning a laugh from both you and chris. "try the sparkling cider, it's delicious."

you quirk a brow at your brother, picking up the glass and taking a swig.

"oh, it's immaculate." you say, with an exaggerated smack of your lips. "you must tell me where you got this, so i can get some of my own."

buck leans over chris to say in a loud whisper, "i got it at target."

"no!" you gasp dramatically.

the three of you eat your meal in blissful silence, the only sounds coming from the tv. eventually, chris falls asleep on you. you smile to yourself, patting his soft head of curls.

"i'll take him upstairs" buck offers, standing up.

he pulls christopher carefully from your lap and brings him upstairs, placing him under the covers of his bed before rejoining you downstairs.

"how are you doing?" buck asks as you pick up the bowls and bring them into the kitchen. "for real."

"nervous about where i'm going to go, but other than that," you sigh. "not as terrible as i thought i'd feel. i've had friends whose significant others have cheated on them and they took it terribly. i guess i thought– i would feel worse. but i don't."

the corners of buck's lips quirk up and he pats your shoulder.

"that's good," he says.

"yeah," you shrug. "yeah."

"you can always stay here, until you find another place to live. if you wanted to."

"that'd be nice," you smile at your big brother.

"so it's settled? you'll come live with me?"

you nod. "sounds good,"

"we'll go pick up your stuff tomorrow. the police will never find his body."

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