hide and seek • rory keaner; my babysitter's a vampire

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genre(s): ??? angst??
pairing(s): rory keaner x reader
fandom: my babysitter's a vampire
warnings: ⚠️ mentions of child abduction/murder; language; unedited
other notes: modern (au??); pre vampire rory
keywords: y/n: your name




it starts innocently enough.

you and rory had been babysitting your nephew for the last five hours, as your sister and her husband were out on a double date with your parents.

you'd leaned down, pushing some of your little nephew's brown curls back from his face, and pressed your lips against his forehead. he shifted in the bed, but his eyes stay closed.

rory was leaning against the doorframe, watching you. you stuck your tongue out at him, and he smiled at you, adjusting his glasses.

"let's go." you said, and the two of you stepped out of the spare room of your upstairs and into the hall.

you had closed the door behind you, leaving it slightly ajar, knowing your nephew would freak out if he woke up and the door was closed.

the two of you headed downstairs.

"so what do you want to do?" you ask rory, walking around the kitchen counter to open the fridge.

"let's make nacho pizza," your loveable idiot of a boyfriend suggests. "and we can listen to an episode of that podcast you like while we do it. what is it, crime junkie?"

god, you love your boyfriend.

he takes his phone out, opens spotify, and turns on a random episode of the podcast while you take out the prebaked pizza crust from your cabinet. you grab a bag of tortilla chips, a can of salsa, some shredded cheese and place it all on the counter.

"i'm your host ashley flowers," the episode begins. "and i'm brit."

"and today's story is a terrifying one," flowers' voice continues. "one that, if you're a parent, will have you double checking your windows before you put your kids to bed tonight because it's the story of an eight year old girl named kirsten hatfield who was taken from her bedroom in the middle of the night with her mom just in the next room."

you freeze for a second at the introduction for the episode but shake your head, quickly snapping out of it when you remember none of the windows in your house had been opened since last summer.

the story continues on as you and rory get to making the nacho pizzas. every once in a while, your heart stops at the details in the story, but you just know your nephew is okay.

it's about half an hour into the episode; your pizzas are now baking in the oven, ashley flowers is replaying tapes from the police interviews.

finally unable to take it, the gnawing feeling in your chest too much, you pause the episode and sprint upstairs to check on your nephew in the spare bedroom.

what you see causes your heart to fall to your butt. or rather, what you don't see.

your nephew is not in bed.

"riley?" you call out. no answer. thinking maybe he rolled out of and under the bed, you get on your hands and knees and peek under the bedskirt. "riley?"

the lump in your throat seems to grow larger.

you smack down in the bed, stupidily thinking he'd manifest under the covers. but he doesn't.

you check the window. it's unlocked but closed tight.


the closet next.


you hear footsteps coming up the stairs and getting closer. rory appears in the doorway.

"what is it?"

"riley!" you cry, now on the verge of hysteria. "i can't find riley?"


"he was just here!" you gasp, covering your mouth with one hand. you don't need to cry now; no, your nephew needs you in the clearest state of mind you can be. "and now- now i can't find him!"

rory pushes past you, checking under the bed and even smacking on the covers like you had.

"oh god," you hiccup. "oh fuck, what will i tell lyla and joe? mom and dad?"

rory turns to you, placing his hands on your shoulders to ground you. one of his hands comes to rest of the side of your face, the pad of his thumb stroking your cheek.

"we'll find him," he says. "i promise."

and with that, the two of you get to tearing the house inside out. you call over your other friends, benny and ethan, to help and they're there in record time.

it's two hours since your nephew had disappeared from his bed and you're just thinking you should call the police.

you've wasted two hours already on what could have been time to find him, so why waste anymore?

you're just about to press the "9" when ethan calls out, "found him!"

you drop your phone, the sound of glass cracking is nothing compared to the huge wave of relief flooding over you.

rory is sitting on the floor in front of the dryer, holding a curled up riley in his lap.

"you guys took too long," riley yawns in his little voice.

and you can't help it. now you're seething.

"what the hell?!"

"i woke up and wanted to play hide and seek," riley mumbles, burying his face into rory's blue and gray sweatshirt.

"mmph! and you didn't tell us?!"

"y/'n—" rory tries to say something, but you shoot him a glare that immediately shuts him up.

"riley, you can't just do that! if you want to play hide and seek, you have to tell me! do you know how scared i was? i was so scared something had happened to you!"

and now you're crying.

"i'm sorry, auntie y/n." riley says, his voice trembling.

he climbs out of rory's lap and walks up to you, wrapping his small arms around your legs. you take a deep breath, trying to reel yourself in, and lean down to pick him up.

"it's okay," you say. "i just love you so much. i'm glad you're okay."

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