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song: radio by lana del rey
play when you see the **

Harry Styles and Olivia Thomson spotted in hotel together in Ohio. Are they getting serious?"

"Has Olivia Thomson ended things in her private relationship with Dylan Jones?"

"Has Harry Styles finally stopped sleeping around and settled down? Or is Olivia just another conquest for him?"

" Are Olivia Thomson and Harry Styles working on music together?"

I sat alone on the black leather couch in the studio, laying vertical with my head propped up against one arm rest and my feet extended in front of me propped up on the other arm rest. My finger pinched and fiddled with my bottom lip as I held my phone in my other hand, reading the hundreds of tweets and news articles that have been going around for weeks now.

It's been about two weeks since that night on the roof, and everything has been going somewhat great. Harry and I have both been very... affectionate with each other, stealing kisses every chance we could get and never being able to take our eyes, or our hands, off of each other. We've gone back and forth spending the night at each others houses. One night I'll stay with him, the next night he'll stay with me. We've also spent a lot of time just going on meaningless car rides to nowhere, blasting music and singing our hearts out together.

I felt like a teenager in high school all over again, getting giddy when he would walk into a room, or sneaking out of recording sessions to have secret make-out sessions. We were all over each other, and I would be lying if I said I didn't love it. He's also given me another nickname, 'his cherry' is what he says. It goes back and forth between sunflower and cherry, and every time he uses the name I can feel the butterflies burst in my stomach.

Liam, Louis, and Niall have been hanging around too, they have been helping us with a lot of song writing. Niall has even taught me some guitar tricks too. It's nice being around them, everyone is so carefree and nobody really gives a fuck about what everyone thinks about them. I swear every time we're together almost piss my pants because of how hard I laugh when I'm with them. We've all gone swimming together at the beach, sometimes until three in the morning, and almost every night they'll come over and watch a movie with us or we'll just sit around the kitchen playing music.

It's been great- well, that is until I started looking at social media.

I've been so busy these past two weeks with hanging out with the boys and writing songs that I haven't even had the time to check any of my platforms.

I was alone in the studio tonight, all of the guys, including Frank, went out to get something to drink and I decided to go to the studio to maybe try and write some songs. I've been having writers block lately though, simply because everything is going great in my life right now.

I know that sounded sarcastic, but it wasn't.

I'm serious. I don't think I've ever been happier, and unless I wanted to pull a Pharrell Williams and write about that, I was pretty stuck. I used to spend most of time arguing with Dylan, so I would write about that. But now that Dylan isn't in my life and things are going great with Harry, I was pretty fucked.

I've been trying to write something for the past hour, going back and forth from the piano and the guitar, trying to find some good melody or come up with any lyrics, but I couldn't. So instead I sprawled out on the couch and decided to look at the wonderful thing called social media.

Now that was sarcastic.

I have always tried my best to stay away from social media considering how incredibly toxic it can be, but sometimes it's hard. Once you get into the horrible rabbit hole of reading tweets and articles, it's hard to stop. I try my best to not let them get to me, but it's difficult.

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