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The next day Harry didn't speak to me. I didn't speak to him either, and I wanted to keep it that way.

Everything that I have been doing this past day has just reminded me of him. Even walking in the fucking kitchen makes me want to cry my eyes out. I can't go in there without remembering the way we would dance in the dim lighting, his arms holding me close and his cologne filling the whole room. It all hurt, and hurts even more knowing that he's been seeing another girl.

I didn't ask how or when or who he met. I don't want to know, it would just tear me down even more. But my mind can't help but travel to the numerous paranoias of who she is, what she's like, if she's pretty, if she's in the same industry. I wonder how long he's known her, if he knew her before everything that happened between us. Was it all just a game to him? Was this just some meaningless conquest for him? Did I mean anything to him?

I haven't been able to get these thoughts out of my head all day, and it's making me sick. I haven't been able to eat, I haven't been able to get up from the fucking couch. I was being pathetic, and knowing that I have to go back to the studio tomorrow made me want to throw myself off a bridge.

People tell you to be a bad bitch when you get dumped and stay strong but it's harder than it looks. It's embarrassing how many tears I've shed and how much ice cream I've eaten over someone who's probably out with another girl right now. I cant help it though, just the thought of Harry looking at or touching another girl the way he touched me before made me want to curl up in a ball and cry, but at the same time want to cry in his arms.

"Olivia, I don't know what to tell you... I mean, were you two even official?" I hear Jenny snap me out of my thoughts. I quickly shoot my head over in her direction, looking at her as she gave me that same pitiful look everyone's been giving me. The 'I feel bad for you but I'm totally judging your right now' look. It honestly just makes me feel worse.

It was now probably right at night, and I've been alone all day just feeling bad for myself, so Jenny decided to drive into town again and try to cheer me up. When I told her what happened she was pissed and she wanted to go rip his head off, but I reminded her that giving him the attention he wanted was only going to make the situation worse. So I told her to just say home with me. I could tell she was trying her best to comfort me, but she's more of a revenge kinda girl then sit at home and eat ice cream girl.

"No but that doesn't matter. Everything I did with him, ever kiss we shared, it was all meaningful, well at least to me it was. I really thought that he care—"

"Oh no, Olivia I promise you he really did care about you."  She says as she quickly gets up off her seat from across the room and walks over to me. She comes and sits right beside me, slinging her arm over my shoulders so my head nuzzled into her neck as she hugged me.

"Men are just fucking stupid." She whispers as she comforting rubs her hand back and down the side of my arm.

"I-I'm still going to h-have to see him and w-work with him." I start to cry as I think about the amount of time over the next year I am still going to have to spend with him. We still have to write songs, do interviews together, award shows, fucking tour. I'm going to be stuck with him for another year, and while he's not with me he's going to be with another girl. It made me cry harder just thinking about it.

"Shhh... I know." She whispers as she continues to comfort me the best she could.

It's always nice to have a Jenny in your life. That one friend who is always there for you no matter what. That one friend who hypes you up even if you look like absolute shit. The girl who'll tell you if you're fucking with the wrong guy or talking to the wrong people. She seems to know more about me than I know of myself.

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