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The feeling of having thousands of people cheer for you is something that I will never get used to. It felt like I was on top of the world. Literally. It felt like I was just flying on a cloud and everyone else was just watching me as I look down on them.

Of course that feeling ended. As soon as the lights went out, and the crowd stops cheering. I quickly speed off stage, eager to get home. I nearly trip on my shoes, still having the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I rush down the long hallway backstage, trying to make it to the main backstage lobby before the lights turn back on. I was also excited to see Dylan.

"Hey Olivia!" He says, as I run with open arms to embrace him in a hug.

I wrap my arms around his neck, as he wraps his around my lower back and lifts me up off the ground, spinning me around.

"Hi!" I say, before being let down, but still holding on to each other.

"You did great! You sounded amazing too!" He says, letting go of me and intertwining our fingers as we begin to walk to my dressing room.

"Thanks. The crowd was amazing tonight. I am gonna be sad once the tour is over." I really enjoyed going on tour. Tomorrow night is my last night, and it's been a great six months. We were finishing up the world tour in New York, considering that's where I live, it was the most convenient.

"At least you'll be able to spend more time with me. I've missed you." Dylan says, before making a sharp turn and leading us inside my small dressing room.

"I've missed you too. But, turn around." I say, waving my finger in the air in a motion for him to turn around while I change out of my clothes.

He turns around to face the wall as I quickly strip out of my red dress. I usually like to keep it simple for shows, jeans and a blouse, but since it is my second to last show, I decided to spice it up a bit. The last two shows are always the most emotional, and it's also usually when other artists come to watch.

"How about we go out to dinner tonight?" He asks, still facing the wall.

"Oh— I don't know. I am pretty tired because of the show." I say, as I slip on a pair of black leggings and a plain white tee.

"Oh ok. We can do it later this week? I know you have a couple of interviews with some radio people but we could squeeze some time in, right?" He asks sweetly.

"Yeah of course." I say, turning around and walking to the other side of the room to change out of my heels and into some sneakers.

Dylan has always made us spending time together a priority. I've been with him for two years now, and it's been really hard to keep a healthy relationship. Within the first year, it was fine. I had just first started releasing music and most of my time was spent at home, writing songs and such. It was great, because I was able to do what I love and spend time with my boyfriend. But ever since about a year ago when my music really started to blow up, it's been hard to manage my time with Dylan. Especially during the tour. We still manage to keep a balanced relationship.

I gather all of my things together, stick them in my suitcase and begin to walk back to the backstage lobby, with Dylan's hand in mine.

As we enter the small room with red leather couches I am greeted by James, my manager, and another man who I don't recognize.

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