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Harry Styles

The silent treatment.

The silent treatment is something I am very familiar with. It's a manipulative strategy to make someone feel guilty for something they did. I use it all the time, even when I was the one who fucked shit up.

But not this time.

She was giving me the silent treatment.

And God, I hated it.

She hasn't said a word to me in nearly two hours. I mean seriously? Sure, maybe I was being an asshole, but— two hours? I get maybe thirty minutes or something, but isn't two hours a bit extreme?

I don't know if it's because she's genuinely upset, or if it's just because she's pissed, but whatever it is, it's pissing me off. She usually is either sleeping or talking the whole time. But now she's just sitting there in silence, looking out the window with a blank, bored, annoyed gaze.

Ok— I know. I did this to myself. I shouldn't have gotten so upset with her, especially when she didn't do anything. But—

I've never felt what I feel when I am with her.

It sounds fucking stupid. But I didn't sleep at all last night, I couldn't. At first I was just telling myself it was because I was on the couch, but I found myself thinking about Olivia the whole time. I don't even know what she did to make me feel that way, but she did something.

What scared me even more was the fact that it came out of nowhere. A week ago, I was fine. But after that car ride with her when I tried to make her feel better, something came over me and I just wanted to spend more time with her. So, I brought her up to the pool. I don't actually regret it. If I could do it all over again I would in a heartbeat. It was the most genuine fun I have had in a long time.

But I psyched myself out if it, and started growing nervous and anxious with the way I felt. I don't want to get close to her, especially since she has a boyfriend. I allowed myself to be vulnerable around her, and that is what I regretted.

I don't like the feelings I have toward her, they make me feel weak. So, I got mad at myself, and I lashed out on her. As much as I know I shouldn't have, I am not going to be the first one to give in. She can't give me the silent treatment if I don't even try to talk to her.

That's how it works right?

Fuck— but I can't not talk to her. She's stubborn, I know she won't give in. She's always been like that, she'll back down, but she won't give in. It's always like that when we argue. She'll keep going and going at, eventually quieting down but not stopping.

She's a silent killer.

This whole situation was annoying me, and I subconsciously let out a loud sigh, running my fingers back through my hair. Why the hell does she have to be so difficult? Why can't she just get over it and go back to annoying me?

I reach my hand over to the radio to turn the volume up, hoping to ease the un breakable tension in this car. The song "Nervous" by Shawn Mendes was playing.

"Good song, huh?" I ask, turning my head in the slightest bit to catch a glance of Olivia, but still keeping my eyes on the road.

She hums in response and nods, keeping her solid stare out the window. Damnit, Olivia. She's being infuriating.

"Do you listen to Shawn Mendes?" I ask, trying to get her to say something.

But, all I get is a head shake, and she keeps her gaze out the window.

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