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song: Carolina by Harry Styles ;) 
play the song when you see the *

Olivia Thomson

These past two days have been... interesting to say the least.

Harry and I are in Chicago now, our last destination of the trip. We left yesterday at around 7 in the morning, and drove all day. It probably wouldn't have taken as long if we didn't make about five stops on the way, taking pictures of landmarks and getting food at gas stations. We got in Chicago around 5 in the evening, and we each went our separate ways into our different hotel rooms.

We haven't spoken much today except for when Harry told me this morning that he had a meeting, and would be back around 12:30 to go to the writing studio. Apparently there's this super nice studio on the outskirts of Chicago that he wanted to take me to to maybe start writing some songs. He told me that he planned on us staying there until 3:00, and then at 4:30 he has a flight scheduled for back to New York.

I didn't really dawn on me that we wouldn't be driving back to New York. It's been an eventful trip, and it's just now sinking in that today is our last day of our week long road trip. God— it feels like it's been at least a month. But it's only been a week. A very long week. So much has happened, and I guess Harry's idea of getting to know each other really worked out. I am nervous to get back though, especially with the whole Dylan situation. I'm not sure how he's going to react to any of this, and I am really nervous. He hasn't called me in three days, which is weird. I am not complaining though, I'd rather him go MIA then bugging me 25/7.

It's 12:25, and Harry should be here any minute. I am waiting for him to come pick me up so we can go to the studio. I already packed all my things so as soon as we are done at the studio we can board the plane. I hear my phone buzz from my nightstand, and I reach over from my spot on the bed to pick it up, reading the name Harry Styles on the screen.

"Hi." I say through the phone.

"Hi." Harry's familiar English accent comes through, "I am outside your door. You ready to go to the studio?" He asks.

"Why didn't you just knock?" I laugh, sitting up from my bed and glancing in the mirror for a second. Today I was wearing a white cropped tank top with forest green corduroy pants. I run my fingers through my hair, straightening it out before walking towards the door.

"Because, knocking is boring." He says before I open the door, seeing him looking down at his feet smiling with the phone up to his ear. He was wearing all black today, and like usual his hair was pushed back by the sunglasses rested on top of his head. He also had a cigarette set in between his teeth.

"How many times do I have to tell you, hotels don't let you smoke inside." I say, partially laughing as I take the cigarette out of his teeth and toss it in the trash can that was by the door.

He hums in response,  looking at me with a smirk on his lips, his eyes going back and forth between mine.

"You're very uptight. You need to loosen up some." He says, looking down at me with those piercing green eyes of his.

"I just think rules need to be followed, and people need to be treated with kindness. Those are my morals." I say, smiling up at him. His smirks fades into a smile before he shakes his head and turns around, beginning to walk down the hall.

"C'mon." He says, and I quickly grab my purse and follow him out the door, and into the elevator. 

We make our way into the elevator and through the lobby, onto the street and in his car.

The car ride was mainly silent the whole time, just the noise of the radio playing pop songs and the sound of the cars against the road. After about thirty minutes of driving, we finally arrive at a small brick building in between two tall business looking buildings.

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