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hi guys! just wanted to tell you all that chapter 38 is up. i think some people didn't get the notif, so just letting you all know. :)

Harry Styles

Olivia Thomson: New York, New York
Last Show of World Tour.
May 30, 2020

The arena was huge.

I mean, I knew this girl was famous, but this is as big as the stadiums I would play in during my One Direction days, and those were fucking enormous. I look out the window of the tented black vehicle I was in and see the hundreds of thousands of fans waiting outside, all dressed in skirts or dresses for the big event.

"I told you Harry, this girl is huge." Frank speaks up from beside me, snapping me out of my stare.

"I didn't have to come to one of her fucking shows to know that. I don't even know why I'm here." I mumble, rolling my eyes and looking out the window at the road that was moving fast beneath us.

I didn't even want to be here, and if I am being honest I didn't even want to work with her. Yeah, her music is good and all, but she seems like fucking prissy. I've watched a couple of her interviews, and she seems boring as hell. Sure, she's hot as fuck, but she does not seem like my type at all. I don't even know why Frank wants me to get involved with her anyways.

"Because, you're going to be working with her for a while, Harry. Plus if this whole thing works out as planned, you're going to want to get to know her." He reminds me, and I roll my eyes.

Apparently I have to do a collaboration with her, and I couldn't be any less excited. We definitely make the same genre of music, but hers is about breakups and love, while mine is about sex and rock and roll. I don't know how we are going to come up with a way to work together.

I suddenly feel the car come to a halt, and I look up to see we were in a dark alleyway, only a couple other cars in it identical to ours. I quickly pull my hood up just in case there's hidden paparazzi and I pull my sunglasses down to rest on my nose. Frank and I both climb out of the car together, staring down at my shoes walking on the concrete alleyway as we sneak into the show so we weren't noticed by anyone.

Frank opens the door for me, and the second I walk in I can already sense the tension in the arena.

There's always this ongoing tension or awkward silence in the backstage area of arenas before a big show. I don't know if it's because everyone is quietly working on their own things, but I fucking hate it. It's always so uncomfortable, and it makes me nervous.

I follow behind Frank as he guides me through the backstage lobby, keeping my head down low so nobody recognizes me. I know I was invited here, and I am sure they're other people in the industry here tonight too, but I still don't want people to know I am here; considering I didn't want to be here in the first fucking place.

I suddenly stop in my tracks when we are walking through the lounge area, seeing someone sprawled out on the couch. He had blonde hair and a backwards cap on, some hair coming out on the sides. He looked like a douche bag, but he looked familiar. I stare at him for a moment trying to remember where I saw his face before, analyzing his features.

Was that Olivia's boyfriend?

They're always pictures going around of celebrities and they're significant others, and I never really tend to keep up with all the drama. But I do remember seeing magazine covers and headlines all over the place when it was announced Olivia was seeing someone. I didn't even know who she was and her face was all over fucking twitter and instagram.

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