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Harry didn't want me to sleep over last night.

He told me he wanted to sleep alone. I've spent all most every night with him for three weeks now. I got home after being out with Jenny all day and the first thing I did was go to Harry's. I walked in as I usually do but all he did was tell me to go back home. I tried asking him why, at first I didn't think much of it, but that was until Harry told me he just wanted some time away.

Time away?

What does that even mean? That was all he said before he nodded me off and shut the front door in my face, leaving me outside on his porch step. I was so confused, and I still am. I don't know if it was something I said or did, or if Harry suddenly had a change in mind about everything that has happened between us in the last three weeks.

My mind was scattered all over the place, and it's almost been twenty four hours since I last spoke to him. It's a Saturday, so I didn't have to go into the studio, thank god. I was completely lost on what to do, not sure if I should wait until he calls me, or if I should go ahead and call him. So here I was, sat on my couch in the same clothes I was wearing last night eating ice cream and watching television.

I was doing everything I possibly think of to not think about Harry, but it was fucking impossible. Almost everything I did somehow my brain linked it to him, even if I tried to not let it. I was trying my best not to overthink this situation, but it was hard.

And that's when I heard my doorbell ring.

I quickly shot my head behind me towards the front door at the sound, really not wanting to get up and answer it when I looked like this. I wait a couple seconds, hoping they'd just go away, but they don't. There are suddenly knocks at the door, loud ones. I take that as a sign to quickly spring up off the couch, setting my ice cream down on the table in front of me as I run my fingers through my hair.

I walk over to the door, hesitating for a moment before opening unlocking it and swinging it open.

Well, speak of the devil.

"Harry, hi." I say, quickly bringing my hand up to my hair and running my fingers through it. God, this was so embarrassing, here I am dressed like I'm at the gates of hell, and he's over here looking like James Dean. His hair had it's same old messy slicked back look. He wore a white t-shirt and black jeans with his familiar black converse.

As soon as I opened the door his head shot up, meeting eyes with me. They showed a hint of nervousness yet excited when he looked at me, which was very confusing since last night he was so cold about everything. But that look was quickly replaced with an unreadable expression.

"Hi, su-- Olivia." He says, a hint of nervousness and hesitance in his voice. "Get a pretty dress on, I'm taking you out to eat." He suddenly says before walking into my house past me and plopping himself down on the couch.

I stand there a the front door, staring out in front of me where Harry was once standing. I furrow my eyebrows, very confused as I shut the door and turn around, facing Harry. "Excuse me?" I say, crossing my arms over my chest and giving him a confused look.

"What? Olivia, we need to talk so I am taking you out to dinner." He says in a calm tone. His body language was different then it usually is. He was so tense right now, his arms folded out in front of him and his legs crossed together.

"I-- well, do you mind explaining why-- you know what, never mind. I'll be ready in ten minutes." I say, not even trying to bother getting an explanation from him. I was going to try to tonight, but I know he won't answer anything as long as I'm not doing what he asks. He's like that, he always has been.

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