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^olivias outfit this chapter (and the next several ones) :)
ALSO: the youtube video is a song that i recommend playing when you see the * sign. you don't have to, but it really adds to the story! enjoy :)
The feeling of my phone vibrating cause me to immediately open my eyes and shoot my head up. It was still dark out, and I was in my hotel bed. I reached over to my nightstand to pick up my phone, squinting at the bright screen. When I read the name 'Susan Thomson' my stomach immediately dropped and I became extremely anxious.


My mom was calling me.

I haven't talked to my mom in probably a year or two. They had a very ideal, realistic life planned out for me. I was going to follow my father into his business and become the next CEO after he retires. But, instead I dropped out of high-school became a musician, and they were not thrilled about it at all. They were so angry, that they kicked me out of the house.


They kicked me out of the house, and I had to live with Dylan. Dylan was actually the one who helped me find a manager so I could book gigs and stuff.

As soon as my name became well known and I started making some money, my mom and dad immediately contacted me again after a year, trying to make amends. We patched some stuff up, but I still am holding a grudge against them. Especially my dad, for- other reasons.

Hesitantly, I press the green answer button on the screen, and bring the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I say into the phone. My voice came out deep and scratchy sounding, considering it's probably the middle of the night.

"Olivia. Where the hell are you?"

Oh Lord.

"Oh, hey mom! I haven't heard from you in a while. What have you been up to?" I ask, coming off sassier than I intended to.

"Cut the bullshit Olivia. Where are you? Dylan is worried sick about you."  She says into the phone, with the same tone she's been using with me these past two years. The 'I'm so disappointed in you' tone.

"Mom, can we maybe talk about this in the morning?" I mumble while throwing my head back against the pillow and closing my eyes.

"No, Olivia. Dylan has been calling me all night worried sick about you." She says coldly through the tone.

"Well tell Dylan I am fine. I needed to get away, so I went on a trip." I answer calmly, trying as hard as possible not to snap.

"You needed to go on a trip a week after you got back from a world tour?" She remarks in a smart ass tone.

"Yes. And?"

"Olivia, damnit- Just tell me where you are." She says.

"Mom, I am going to Chicago for the week. It's really not that big of a deal. Just tell Dylan I am fine and I'll be back by next week." I answer in a calm tone.

"Chicago? Why Chicago? Where are you staying? Are you going by yourself?" She asks a million questions at once, causing me to roll my eyes and silently grunt in annoyance through the phone.

"I don't know it sounded like fun. Anyways, I am going back to sleep, goodnight mom." I say, before hanging up the phone. I was probably acting like a spoiled teenager, but God that woman drives me crazy.

I set my phone back on the nightstand and roll back over the bed. I lay on my stomach and have the side of my head flat against the pillow, closing my eyes and trying to fall back asleep.

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