IQ: Heartache (Male Reader)

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You just got finished having lunch out with the boys from GSG-9. It was fun getting to talk to them again after an exhausting op. Beer glasses clanged in the air as you drank with them. Yet, there was always one person you had your eye on.

Monika Weiss.

You would catch her looking at you and whenever you did, she would dart her eyes away. You weren't too sure if she actually did like you, you didn't wanna let it get in over your head, so you kind of just pushed it to the side and didn't think much of it. But there was one thing you were sure of, your feelings. You loved Monika. Every fiber in your body yearned for her. Her bubbly nature, her beauty. You were mesmerized and you would always go into a sort of trance when you thought of her.

Time Skip

You were sat down on a couch with a drink in your hand as you took a breather during the party. Marius was having fun with Dominic; Alexsandr was playing darts with Maxim; and Timur was flirting with Elena. You took a swig of your drink in solitude before you felt someone sit next to you. You turned to see, and you saw the German blonde was sitting next to you. Your heart started racing and your cheeks flushed a shade of red.

"H-Hi there, Y/N." she muttered shyly. You smiled in return and turned your body to face her. "Hey, Monika." you said. Here you were, doing what you were best at; being awkward around someone you liked. "What's up?" she said as she put on a smile. Your heart warmed up when you saw her smile, you felt tingles in your chest and you couldn't help but just admire it. God she was so pretty.

"N-Nothing much, really. Just hanging around. A-And you?" you said nervously. You noticed her eyes look down on the ground before meeting your gaze as she let out a breath of air. "I uhhh, wanted to talk to you about s-s-something..." Your mind started flooding with thoughts. Did she find out? Did Jäger snitch on you? You knew you couldn't trust him. "Uhmm, sure. What is it?" you said nervously, bracing yourself for whatever she was gonna say next. "Follow me." she said as she grabbed your hand and dragged you with her. You couldn't do anything but just follow along. Jäger gave you a nod of approval as you waved goodbye. You and Monika raced through the halls, eventually arriving inside her room. She gestured for you to sit down on her bed as she closed the door, and locked it. Your heart rate started speeding up and your breathing got more intense.

Okay, Y/N. Just calm down. Breathe, breathe.

Monika sat right next to you and she appeared to be thinking deeply, as if readying herself for something. "S-So... what is it that you dragged me into your room for?" you said. "I uhhh..." she faced you, meeting your eyes. "I've been wanting to tell you something, Y/N." she said as her eyes gave off a sense of forlorn, softness, vulnerability. "Please don't hate me when I say this..." she said, slowly putting her hand on top of yours. You looked down and your heart skipped a beat, you've been wanting this for so long. You braced yourself for whatever words were gonna come out of her mouth next.

"I love you, Y/N..." she said. You remained silent, but deep inside you were celebrating and screaming like a 14 year old who just got a new drum set for Christmas. "You're so, nice. You're so caring, passionate about the things you love, you're so kind, you treat me and the others so well and you were always so willing to help us. That's what I love about you. You're... You're all I want, you're who I've been looking for my whole life." she muttered. You blushed at the words she just said and you were speechless.

Fucking do it.

"I love you too, Monika." you said as you slowly interlaced your fingers with hers. Her eyes lit up and a soft smile formed on her face as you two just stared at each other. Bedroom eyes, flared nostrils, her biting her lower lip, you knew what she wanted. You felt the air thicken with tension and the room getting warmer. You could feel it, you felt the sexual tension between you two about to be released. You felt an invisible force seem to push you two together.

And so you two did.

She tilted her head slightly and crashed her lips against yours. You returned the kiss enthusiastically and you felt her wrap her arms around your neck and the back of your head to pull you in even closer. You put your hand on her cheek and slowly caressed it as you two kissed. You licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance. You feel her open her mouth and that was your cue. You thrusted your tongue in and wrestled with her own, your spit mixing in the process. You felt a tension release from your chest and you let your instincts do the work. You explored her mouth, earning a slight moan from the German. Passionate, deep, and sloppy; that's what this kiss was. You parted from her lips, leaving a bridge of your saliva mixed with hers to form between.

"I love you so much..."

"I love you too, Monika."

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