Nøkk: Siege (Male Reader)

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Just another day in the embassy, right?

"Hey Y/N, check this shit out." Dan said. He was holding out his phone and showing you a video. "God damn, how fast can that bastard shoot?" you replied. "Definitely not as fast as when I-" you decide to cut him off there. "Jesus Christ, Dan. How many times are you gonna make that joke?" you said. Both of you just laughed, until you heard an explosion. "Fuck, let's go!" you shouted as you grabbed your rifle. Dan followed close behind while you walked out and saw the door busted open.

White Masks.

"Weapons hot! Weapons hot!" you shouted, opening fire onto the white masks. Bullets flew all over the place, smoke filled the air and the fumes from the exploded car were, messing with you. You peeked out and returned fire, managing to take out two guys. "Jesus, do they ever stop coming?!" Dan shouted as he returned fire on the white masks.

You could hear the screams of some fellow marines holding the line together with you. The white masks didn't look like they were ever gonna stop. They were gonna overwhelm your position if you didn't fall back and retreat. "Okay, we need to fall back. Fall back!" you shouted, returning fire as you moved back. You and your comrades went back into the building. "Okay, I want all entry points guarded. Rojas, Lambert, Gonzales, get on the east entrance and keep anyone from entering. Davis, Morgan, west entrance. Dan, with me on the north. Let's get a move on, people!" you shouted. "Oorah!" you heard a marine shout. "Oorah!" you replied. Soon everyone shouted it out. Definite morale boost right there. "Dan, how many mags do you have left?" you said, turning to your best friend.

"I've got five mags. You?"
"Four. Let's make it count!" you said, clutching your rifles handguard. Dan nodded at you, soon readying his rifle. The door busts open, white masks storm in. "C'mon motherfuckers!" You shouted as you opened fire, tearing through them with your M27. Bullets whizzed past and you took cover, letting Dan do the shooting while you were in cover. You took out a grenade, readying it. "Frag out!" you shouted as you threw it. 4 seconds later, you heard screams, and an explosion along with it.

You held out, killing one white mask after another. But you were running low on ammo. "Dan! Last mag!" you shouted as you put in your last magazine into your M27. It felt like it only took a few seconds before you were out. You were down to your sidearm. You bring out your M1911, and start popping shots downrange. You see someone in the corner of your eye fall down. It was Dan. "Dan!" you shouted. He got shot in the neck. "Medic! Medic!" you shouted as you rushed to your best friend. He was bleeding out really bad. Blood gushed out the wound, your hands were practically covered in it. You went into your radio to call in some back up. "Gonzales! I need you right at the north entrance now! Get a medic! How copy?" you said. "Copy sir! Heading over now!"

Your best friend was in your arms, blood painted your arms and you clutched his lifeless body while you held your 1911. But you had to keep fighting. Gonzales had finally arrived, and he went to trying to save Dan. "Can I grab your rifle?" you asked Gonzales. Gonzales nodded, handing you his M27. You peeked up above, opening fire on the bastards that shot your best friend. You fired for a few seconds, and then you felt something pierce your shoulder. You just got hit. You fell down to the ground, covering the bullet wound.

This was it.

Suddenly you hear bodies drop, and the shooting stops. You hear your heart beat ever so quicker and your adrenaline pumped faster. You peeked out faintly, before seeing a group of operatives at the entrance. They were practically executing the white masks. "Move! Move! Clear out the whole fuckin building! I want every white mask in here dead!" you heard someone shout. Suddenly you saw someone walk up to you. A veil covered their face and you couldn't see anything. "Are you okay, Marine?" she asked. It was a woman.


You fell down on the ground, passing out. Your vision blackened and you were soon out.

"Marine? Hey we need a medic!"

That was the last thing you heard.

R6S Female Operators x M/F Reader Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें