Kali x Ash: Bruised Pt. 2

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Eliza's lips softly collided with Kali's, catching Kali by surprise. Her eyes widen as she tenses up, still trying to process what was happening at that very moment.

Eliza's lips felt, heavenly. They were so soft, like, really soft. Kali eventually just melted into the kiss, closing her eyes and leaning into the kiss some more.

Eliza pulls away from Kali, their eyes staring at each other. Eliza's face was, nothing like Kali had seen before. She was always so serious. Stone-faced, zero emotion. Now, it was different.

It's like, she was vulnerable for once. Her stone walls were broken; her facade pulled away.

"Umm, that was..."


"Y-Yeah, if you wanna put it that way."

Eliza leaned in once more, but Kali stops her for a bit.

"Eliza, are you sure about... this?"

"Yes, now shut up and kiss me."

Kali pulled her into an embrace whilst crashing her lips down on Eliza's.

This time it was more animalistic, lust driven.

Eliza's hand wandered to Kali's cheek, the one she just punched a minutes ago. Kali feels her touch, she recoils from the sting on her cheek.

"It... It still stings..." she said softly while holding her cheek.

"I'm sorry..." Eliza said, holding Kali's hand. She softly puts her palm on Kali's opposite cheek, trying to maybe soothe her.

"Want me to get you some ice?" Eliza said, smiling softly at Kali.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Kali replied, smiling back at the redheads offer.

"Alright, I'll be right back." Eliza said. But before she left the room to get some ice she took off her jacket, leaving herself in her skin-tight shirt.

Eliza smiles back at Kali before exiting the room, a sultry grin on her face.

Kali got the memo, Eliza wasn't just gonna get some ice to take away the pain.

She had some other plans.

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