Ash: Unrequited (Male Reader)

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Ash loved you. She loved you to the end of the earth. She would sacrifice everything if it meant you being okay. Even her life. But everyday she would hurt, because your eyes wouldn't really land on her. They were on Monika. But that didn't mean you didn't love Ash back. You did, you loved her too. But you were too scared and unsure of things that, you tried distracting yourself. You decided lying to your heart was better than facing your emotions. So everytime Monika walked in, your eyes would light up. Fake or not, Ash noticed this. She noticed the way you looked at Monika. She tries her best to handle her feelings, put them to rest. That was when you noticed her becoming more distant. Day by day, she wouldn't come over to your room as she usually did. Your daily hangouts turned, only occasional. Something was wrong, you could feel it.

You were in your room, floundering around. Listening to music, just being alone. Suddenly you hear a knock on your door. You get up with your phone in hand as you head to the door. You open the door, and there stands Ash. She looked, distraught. "Hey, Eliza." you said, trying to hide the fact you noticed how she looked. "H-Hey, Y/N. We ummmm, we need to talk." she said in a shy and nervous tone. You felt your heart drop and your knees buckled at what she just said. "Ummm, sure. Come in." Eliza walked in and took a seat on your bunk. You reluctantly sat next to her, your heart racing and your mind flooding with thoughts. Eliza cleared her throat and faced you before speaking. You could tell in her eyes she was hurting. "I know that w-we've been friends for, quite a while now and we've been hanging out a lot and, talking a lot. I enjoy it. But, I just need to get something off my chest." she said, her eyes suddenly darting down to the floor. You stayed silent, your eyes locked on her face. "I ummm, I really like you. In a "more than friends" kind of way. And, I really want you. You're always so easy to talk to, have fun around with. Six sending us on Ops, you're always my go to. But, things have changed. It's why I got so distant from you, in the past days. I didn't know how to deal with my emotions; my feelings for you. I felt like, if I ever made a move I would lose you, but if I never did it would eat away inside me and consume me. I always hoped you felt the same way towards me, I really wanted it. I prayed for it. But, I know that you like, h-her." she muttered. "Her? Who?" you said. Eliza scoffed, wiping her nose as she looked back at you. "D-Don't play dumb, Y/N. Please. I know you like Monika. I see the way you look at her." Eliza's voice started to break as she held back her tears. "I see the way... y-your eyes light up everytime you see her. I see the way you look when she laughs at your jokes. I see the way she brightens up your day when... whenever she smiles. I know that you like her, Y/N." she said, finally bringing herself to look you straight in the eye. "Eliza I-" you said before being cut off. "Y/N, please. I'm glad that you've found someone to, to look at. Someone to admire. I'm glad and I'm happy that you have someone to look at... Just like the way I look at you." she said. You kept your mouth shut, waiting for her to talk some more. "I just, fuck. Okay fine! I fucking love you Y/N! I love you, so fucking much. I love you so much that it hurts. It hurts that I can't be the one that's making you happy. It hurts that, I have to sit this one out. It hurts that I- we can't be together. But I'll always love you Y/N. From today until, even the day you get married. I will always, love you with all my heart." Eliza said before the flood gates opened and her tears finally fell. Your heart broke and got crushed, and so you hugged Eliza. You engulfed her in a warm embrace as she cried into your chest. You didn't speak, you didn't mutter a word. You let her have her moment. You waited for her to calm down, bringing her chin up with your hand as you looked into her eyes. You felt the tension in the air, you felt your heart together with hers beat at the same time. You felt her pull. And so you went for it. You softly and ardently pushed your lips together with hers. You closed your eyes in the moment of euphoria and you moved your hand to the back of her head, softly caressing at it. She moved her palm to your cheek, lovingly caressing you as your lips and tongue moved in sync.

You broke away from the kiss, just staring back into Eliza's eyes. Her cheeks were flushed with red and you smiled at her, pinching her cheek playfully.

"I love you, Eliza. I always have, and I always will."

"I love you too, Y/N."

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