Kali x Ash: Bruised (Pt. 3)

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Eliza opens the door, icepack in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. "Hey, sorry it took a while. Gustave was asking why I was getting an icepack for someone I just punched twenty minutes ago." she said as she chuckled and closed the door. 

"I'd have a hard time explaining that too." Kali said as she turned to face Eliza. Eliza sat down next to her, giving her the icepack. "I got some water for you too if you wanted some." Eliza said as she sat it down on the desk nearby.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Kali said, putting the icepack on the spot that Eliza hit.

"I have to ask..." Kali said as she held the icepack. Eliza furrowed her eyebrows slightly, "Go ahead." she said as she leaned in closer. "How long have you had a thing for me?" Kali said, looking into Eliza's eyes, then down to her lips. She couldn't stop herself from staring at them; the feeling of them on hers still lingered.

"You want a believable answer or the truth?" Eliza said before laughing slightly. Kali laughed along, a smile forming on her face as she looked down at the floor.

"I'd like the truth, thank you very much." she said as she smiled back at Eliza.

Eliza just smiled back and looked shyly down to the ground, fumbling around her hands. "Well, I've had a thing for you for a couple months now. Five months, to be more exact." she replied. "Five months; wow. That's like, exactly how long I've been in Rainbow. You've had a crush on me since I joined?" Kali said. Eliza blushes- feeling a little embarrassed; her cheeks flush with red and she looks away.

"Oh don't get all shy on me now, princess." Kali said, putting her hand on Eliza's thigh. "How can I not? I haven't gotten this far with someone, like ever." Eliza said as she looked in Kali's direction. 

"How come?"

"Well, work makes it hectic to maintain something like this for one. I've never had the best of luck when it comes to relationships. To the point where I sort of gave up on it. Till of course, you came along."

"You're cute." Kali said, pinching Eliza's cheek softly. 

"Me? Cute? Do you need to get your eyes checked out as well?" Eliza said sarcastically. "Stop it, you're the cutest bastard in the whole compound. I do have a thing for redheads, I'll be honest." Kali said as she ran her finger on Eliza's cheek.

A silence sets in as the two just sit there. 

"You know, you're a pretty good kisser." Kali said, smirking slightly as she eyed Eliza. "I don't remember how you kiss, care to make me remember?" Eliza said seductively.

At this point, she was just tempting fate.

Kali pounces on Eliza, pushing her down and pinning her as she crashes her lips on Eliza's. Eliza parts her lips slightly as she licks Kali's bottom lip, asking for entrance. Kali grants her request, parting her lips and letting Eliza's tongue slide in. Her tongue moved sensually through every nook and cranny of Kali's mouth, exploring it as she savored the taste of her spit. 

Kali puts Eliza's hands on top of her head, holding them there firmly. "Bet you didn't think I'd be a dom, did you?" Kali said, moving down to Eliza's neck. "Fucking use me." Eliza replied before gasping at Kali kissing and biting her neck softly.

"You smell so good, Captain."

Eliza never realized she had a thing for getting called her rank: her rank of Captain. "I've never been called that, in this context... ever..." Eliza said in between breaths as Kali ravaged her neck, putting hickey after hickey on her. "You like it, Captain?" Kali said teasingly as she kissed Eliza's jaw.

"I do. I really... fucking do." Eliza said as she squirmed in Kali's grip.

"Look's like someone's got a Captain kink, don't you Captain?" Kali said as she smiled in amusement.

"For the love of god, don't tell anyone."

"I won't. Now, I'm gonna fuck your brains out."


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