Chapter 26

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Chrissy's POV

Feeling what I thought was a contraction I winced these shits were worse then cramps.

"Why you making them faces?" Terell asked getting dressed to go wherever

"I think I just had a contraction" I replied

"How do you think you had a contraction?" he questioned

Giving him the look he shut up.

"So should we go to the hospital or what?" he asked

"No it might be a false alarm so imma just sit here" I replied

"Ok so that means I'll be staying home today" he sighed taking his pants off.

"You don't have to stay" I shrugged

"Yeah right" he stated getting back in bed

Terell called Jr off his business phone telling him that he couldn't make runs today and why and Jr swear I was going into labor at this very moment.

"Omg does Chrissy need anything or should I drive to the hospital" Jr rambled

"Ugh shut up" I groaned taking the phone away from Terell and hanging up on Jr.

Laying down I laid on Terell's chest. I was about to doze off when I felt another contraction.

"Fuckk" I grunted

"Another one" Terell asked

I just nodded.

"That's fifteen minutes bae I think we should just go to the hospital I'm sure you'll have a couple more before we go to the hospital" he suggested

"Go get Rose first"

Getting up he went to go get Rosa's mom Rose for me she had been here for a couple days just because we knew we were on limited time.

"Que tu cuete?" she asked walking into the room

"I'm having contractions" I whined

"Ahh fix your face. Did your water break?" she asked

"No" I answered

"Well I think you should go to the hospital only because you having three babies and I don't know how that works. You should've payed attention when your doctor was informing you about these things" she shrugged

Rolling my eyes I ignored he comment she's always lecturing me.

"I go get the babies bag and put them in the car and get you some ice to nibble on. Take a shower because after you have the babies I doubt you'll be able to take a shower and I call everybody to meet us at the hospital ok" she instructed

I nodded.

Terell helped me up and I went into the bathroom taking a hot shower because I probably wouldn't be able to bathe for at least 2 days.

Stepping out the shower Terell was sitting on the toilet waiting for me to get out.

"Can you put lotion on me please." I asked

"What you putting lotion on for when you about to go into labor." he asked

"Just because I'm probably going into labor doesn't mean I have to be ashy nigga" I mugged him

"Whatever" he sighed.

He lotion my body and helped me put on my under garments.

"What you want to wear?" he asked looking through the closet.

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