Chapter 12

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*Continuing From Last Chapter

I cocked both guns holding them. Terell stood on the wall with his gun cocked waiting for someone to open the room door. We both heard the front door open and soft foot steps and then our door slowly started to creak open . . . . .. . .

The door opened and y'all wouldn't guess who it was. It was Terell's brother Quan.

"Damn" he said putting his hands up in surrender when he seen both of us pointing our guns at him.

We put our guns down sighing. "Hey sis in-law" He said waving. "Every time I see you, you trying to strike a nigga damn what I did to you"

I just smiled. "I thought you said NOBODY knew about this condo" I questioned Terell

"Oh yeah I forgot about him" he said going to give his brother dap

"Yo what the fuck happened to your back? Look like a cat been scratching your shit" he asked

"Ugh nothing" Terell replied quickly brushing it off. "Why you here anyways?" he asked Quan

"My girl kicked my ass out again and Cia & Nia won't let me sleep at their house because they think I deserve it and I damn sure ain't paying no hotel so here I am in the flesh" he said explaining himself

I was in bed cuddling with my sheets the condo was cold as fuck ans these thin ass sheets wasn't helping at all.

"Babe turn off the air"

"Uh Huh" he answered and Quan went to sit out in the living room and started smoking for a good 15 minutes. I couldn't sleep at night unless Terell was there so there was no way I was falling asleep. They both came in the room as Quan leaned in to give me a hug Goodnight but once I got a whiff of his cologne and it sent me to the bathroom running.

I started to puke as Terell ran in after me holding my hair back and Quan stood at the doorway looking at what just happened.

When I was done I stood up and brushed my teeth. I scrunched up my nose "Quan you stink man don't wear that shit when you come around me" I complained.

He backed up saying sorry giving her enough space so she wouldn't be able to smell him.

"So y'all expecting?" he asked the couple who was sitting on their bed while standing at the doorway.

"Ehhh. Yeah but if you tell anyone I'll cut your balls off" I answered threatening

He laughed. "Congrats and my lips are sealed it's ya'll business to tell but Goodnight" he waved

I blew him a kiss and told him to close the door.

"I'm hungry" I whined to Terell.

"Yo fat ass need to shut up" he snapped.

He was so into the show Criminal Minds and I wanted some food and that's what I was going to get.

"Baby" I whined loudly

He didn't even glance at me.

I got on top of him straddling him but he still paid me no mind until I started kissing him. At first he didn't budge but after a while he gave in.

I pulled back smirking. "I'm hungry" i pouted.

"Didn't you just eat?" he asked

"Didn't I just throw up" i asked him sarcastically

"Well go tell Quan to buy you something to eat" he explained

I got up and walked to the other room knocking on the door.

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