Chapter 3

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This Chapter Contains A Sex scene If You Are Under Age or Not Into It I Suggest You Stop Reading Towards The End Thank You For Reading & Make Sure You VOTE VOTE VOTE & Comment.

* Chrissy POV *

When I woke up in the morning I was laying on Terell's chest with his hands wrapped around my body. I can't believe I actually fell asleep crying especially in front of him at that.  

I felt like shit. My eyes were low as ever and once I was about to get up Terell woke up. 

" Good morning beautiful. How you feeling?" 

" Morning. I'm okay " I answered

He tried leaned in for a peck making me turn away. He looked at me dumb crazy but I don't care we have morning breath.

" We have morning breathe " I said while trying to get up.

He pulled me back to him roughly and gave me more then a peck.

" I don't care about your morning breath. When you become my wife I'll be waking up to it everyday" 

" Planning marriage already ? " I replied sarcastically.

" Yup " He smirked standing up winking at me.

" Where you going? I'm going to make breakfast there's extra toothbrushes under the sink."

Before I knew it his hands was around my waist" 

" You can go take a shower while I make breakfast" he insisted 

" Okay don't set my fire alarm off" I chuckled 

I took a nice hot steaming shower that shit felt sooo good I did not want to get out.

I put on some sweats & flat ironed my hair then went to the kitchen. I was surprised to not only see food that looked good but it smelled good too. I really thought we would be going to an iHop because I was in no mood to cook.

There Was Bacon, Eggs, Pancakes, Ham,  & Fruits. I Could Really Get Used To This.

I waited for Terell to get out the shower then we sat on the couch watching Full House. When we were done eating Terell and I did the dishes.

" Thanks for being there for me last night and cooking breakfast that actually taste good" I smiled

" Anytime Baby Girl "

I turned to give him a quick peck on the lips but of course he deepened it. He turned me on so fast I let out a slight moan and before I knew it he was laying kisses all over my neck. Then he pulled back unexpectedly. I looked at him like he was crazy. I then seen his little friend poking out.

" I'll be in the bathroom handling this " Terell mumbled while going to the bathroom

Terell had me smiling. I really never found a guy that not only cared for my feelings & didn't want any sex from me. This was all new to me. I never told Terell I was a Virgin because my mom told me that when you tell guys you're a virgin because then they'll try their hardest to become your first & I wasn't having that.

" Want to go to the hospital now ? "

" Sure lets go before everyone & their momma get there "

" Okay but i'll have to stop by my house to change right quick.

I nodded. I grabbed my phone, wallet & keys so we could head out. We walked out my apartment door & Terell took my hand into his this time, I didn't snatch it. I was starting to feel real comfortable around him which felt a little weird.

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