Chapter 25

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Alot Of different POV's this chapter. Also excuse any mistakes I'm not perfect and neither is the book THANKS ! :)

Chapter 25 

Chrissy's POV

King was pulling off to the side of the highway. When I first felt something running down my leg I didn't want to move because I knew my ass ain't go into labor so it wasn't anything but a bullet. Putting the car into park King turned to check on us. 

"Fuck" King grunted making me roll my eyes.

"Don't panic take your shirt off so i can tie it around where you got shot so it can apply pressure so you wont lose a lot of blood" I commanded 

He listened and I immediately tied it up tightly so he would be able to drive us home so we could switch cars before going to the hood doctor. There was no way in hell we were going back in this car.

I took my jacket off tying it up around my thigh once I looked at it that was when I really started to feel the pain. I just hoped we got there fast enough because if Lose too much blood that could risk my health. I was just thankful that the bullet hit my leg instead of my stomach.

Terell was hold his arm apply pressure as I helped him. Everybody in this car had been shot before so this was nothing new unfortunately. I just wished we had stayed home today. 

Closing my eyes I did a silent prayer thanking god because all of this could of been way worse.

Pulling up to our house King parked the car and Terell helped me out and we hopped in the all black range rover with the black tints we owned that we barely drove. We couldn't drive with a car that was known because they were coming back as always. 

"Text your brothers tell them to stop what they doing switch cars and meet up with us, Tell Rosa to shut everything down and make the body guard drive her to us and make sure Mike get Momo get picked up too because these niggas not playing out here" he ordered

He was back ! 

Who ?

It was Smooth ! 

So Smooth was my dad's main man until he switched up and was being greedy so he started his own empire. My dad tried to play nice but of course niggas ain't loyal so they gon aim at your head just so they can get it all.

Well 3 years ago my dad took down all his spots at the same damn time. We burned his house down and did everything you could think of BUT kill his family only because my dad still had respect for them because his problem wasn't with them but was with Smooth.

Smooth disappeared and we never heard anything about him or seen his family its like they just vanished. We knew they weren't dead but we were just glad to have them out of our hair for the moment and make money. 

I never would've thought that Smooth would shoot at our car with me in it knowing that I was pregnant. I knew he was greedy but damn nigga we ain't kill you and your family when we had the chance so why do my dad like this when we did nothing but be good to you.

"Can you step on the gas man I feel light headed and its only of matter of minutes till I pass out" I stated

"We'll be there in less than two minutes just make sure you and my grand kids good take deep breaths" he said looking back.

"You think they ok" Terell asked touching my belly with his bloody hands making me cringe.

"Yeah they should be plus I'm going to get blood from Mike I would get it from Jr but I'm scared I'll get aids" I laughed trying to lighten the moment.

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