Chapter 13

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*Chrissy's POV*

It's been 2 weeks and everything is going back to normal. David is out the hospital and I'm still pregnant as hell. I feel like I'm about to blow up I just want to get this over with.

We go to Bahamas next week FINALLY ! Terell and them just trying to make sure everything is right before they leave.

Terell is getting over a cold and his head on my thighs he love him some of these thighs.

"Arrrrrchooooo" He sneezed loud as hell

"Bless you" I said softly rubbing his head

"Thanks bae" he said blowing his nose

We were in the family room watching T.V. Family Matters was on and I wasn't even watching it. I was so busy rubbing my baby head.

"Can you make me some soup?" he asked with a raspy voice.

"Yeah baby I gotchu, put your head up so I can get up" I replied

He put his head up and I got up. I walked to the kitchen making him some spicy chicken soup with a glass of lemonade.

When I walked in his head was laid on the couch with his eyes closed but I knew he wasn't sleeping. I sat on the couch making him sit up so he could drink his soup.

"Feed Me Please"

I took the spoon starting to feed him, he was eating slow but I knew it was because he was sick so I took my time feeding him. I was almost done feeding him until dumb and dumber walked into the family room.

"Aww ya'll so cute" Jr laughed walked in sitting on the couch along with Mike.

I rolled my eyes I swear they got on my last nerves I dislike staying in the same house ass them that's why I'm kind of happy this house is big enough to not see them for most of the day.

Terell put his head back in between my thighs not even bothering to drink his juice. All he does is drink juice so I found it weird that he didn't drink it.

"You not going to drink your juice?" I asked

"Nah I'm good I'm just going to lay down" he replied

Mike and Jr was in here smoking I didn't care because since I couldn't smoke I was sure damn going to inhale the smell. Don't judge me me though its just a habit I can't break out of.

"Ya'll go buy me something to eat please" I asked Jr and Mike

"What do you want" Mike asked

"Ehhh." I said trying to figure it all out

"She want like 6 spicy chicken nuggets and 2 jr cheeseburger deluxe and get me a large chilli and baconator that she's also going to eat later and get her honey mustard sauce for the nuggets" Terrel answered for me looking up at me

"Awww you know me so well" I Smiled

"Yall disgust me" Mike said looking at us with disgust written all over his face.

"Let's go to sleep I'm tired." I spoke to Terell

"Ohh and y'all better have my food here by the time I wake up" I shouted

We walked to the room falling on the bed. I was tired from doing nothing & Terell had a cold so we both could use all the sleep we could get. I layed my head on Terell's chest I wanted some dick but we couldn't fuck in this house with all these nosy ass people.

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