Chapter 22

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Namjoon's pov

As soon as jungkook pulled over in front of our destination we quickly stepped off the car and walked inside. the guards did recognize us so they let us inside without any questions.

Right now, were inside our boss' company. while we were dealing with someone earlier he called saying that he needs to talk to us. Usually i would have an idea why he would call as over but this time i have no idea why.

"Don is probably just going to ask us about the transactions or something" Taehyung said, it's possible but i don't think he's going to call us just for that, there's always a catch when don call us over especially when he wants to meet at the cloud.

"Who knows maybe he needs us to do something" jungkook followed, there's only one way to find out and that is to meet him face to face, i aligned my id on the scanner above the buttons to get to the right floor, this id is only for to those who are given access to the cloud, The floor no one knows about except for us who are under don of course.

After scanning my id the button with a cloud icon lighted up and the elevator closed itself before it started to move


The Cloud, That one floor that is worth more than the whole building itself. It's located on the underground of the underground and it's made to serve one purpose and one purpose only and that is for safe meetings, we use to have a warehouse but of course our enemies were able to locate us and eventually destroy everything, no one knows our connection with him so we decided to get the cloud built in his company

what others know is that we come and go which isn't suspicious since we also do the same in other companies who has something to do with this criminal organization and besides not everyone know is anyway.

Another thing is that people think that the cloud is on the top floor which is where don's office is since if you click the button with the cloud icon it will take you to the top floor which is what always happens to those who have no idea about the id, it's ridiculous that don never encountered anyone who is really intrigued about that scanner since not even his employees use that.

Anyway it took us a while to reach the cloud and once we did we were welcomed by the crystal blue walls that has the word 'cloud' paste on top in cursive.

we quickly stepped out and walk to a small hallway and turning to the corner where the door into the one and only room stood tall, i scanned my finger print which is the only one that is acceepted among all of us since I'm the leader after all and once it opened a long table greeted us with don who was sitting at the other end of the table, we bowed before walking further into the room

The room doesn't look very special at all, just a plain white room with a table in the middle and chairs around it and a couple of sofa here and there but what makes it special is what this room can do.

"Namjoon has arrived." Cloud announced, don looked at us and mumbled a small "boys" with a smile before he signaled me to sit down which we did of course while the others stood behind me

This place is called 'cloud' because of cloud who is an artificial intelligence installed in here and who knows almost everything which helps us with our "tasks".

"What did you called us for?" i asked, in here the leaders are he only ones who are allowed to talk unless the other member of the group is told to, it's to maintain peace in here since different people with different opinions cause too much noise.

"took you long enough" He said, i clenched my jaw blaming it all on that man we were dealing earlier, if only he made it easy for us to chase him down we would be here an hour earlier.

"I apologize, we have to deal with someone earlier and it took more time than expected" Don hummed nodding his head as a sign that he understood before he popped his lips and paused for a few seconds before parting his lips once again to talk

"Well i don't want to use all of your time so let's make this meeting quick" don pressed a tiny button that was engraved on his part of the table and in just a snap a holographic screen popped from the table in front of me showing me a picture of a man who seems to be around in his 50s.

The man looks familiar but i can't remember who he is or where I've seen him before

"Who's this?" i asked looking at don who leaned back and crossed his legs swaying his chair with him

"This man is Mr.Jee Seung In the owner of a real estate company based here in korea, cloud show all of the information you can gather about Mr.Jee" i looked back at the holographic screen and like what don asked, cloud showed me all the information about the old man starting from his Family members, to his achievements and other company activities and based on a few I've seen i can really tell how successful this man is.

"Mr.Jee Seung in, Owner of one of korea's largest commercial real estate company, The JYM group, Inc. He's well known not just in the business industry but to the public as well because of all the help he have done all around south korea such as donation drives and even forming his own charity for  kids with cancer " cloud gave me a short introduction while i read some of the information about him.

he has a son and a wife, he's also connected to some of the famous business man here in korea and looking at the information it seems to be very were clean from any scandals or problems which is suspicious because those kinds of things are inevitable especially when you're name is plastered everywhere which maybe the same reason why he's able to hide it.

Because his name name is plastered everywhere. He's famous and rich meaning there is a possibility that he payed people to hide it for him most specifically, the media.

"Is there something you want us to do?" i asked, i know that's the catch of coming here. No offense to don but looking at this man's profile, he's more successful than him and that's enough of a clue to give me an idea that he wants something bad to happen to this man

"I'm start a project at ulsan and there is this specific location that we want but unfortunately he owns it" don signaled me to look back at the screen which i did of course and there flash a photo of a bulding which i assume is  built in the land that don is talking about

"We tried to negotiate with him but he just won't sell the building, some of the business man that i know did told me that he's very picky with people he work with which is ridiculous- i mean, do i look like i would do something bad?" the room fell into silence after hearing what don said alsmost as if i can hear the silence screaming right now. I can't blame myself for taking too much time processing that question though since first of all, he's our leader and we're criminals. that explains a lot.

"I don't want to offend you in anyway possible don so I'm not answering that question" i said and did a curt nod while don on the other hand sighed probably in disappointment.

"You just did- Anyway what i want you to do is make him write his signature in these papers. i don't care how you're going to do it just make sure you don't get caught" Don slide a folder towards me which i was able to  hold onto before i slips off the table. I opened the folder that contains papers which are contracts if I'm not mistaken.

"Plan it well RM. this is a big project and i don't want any problems" don's tone completely change compared to the don i was talking to earlier but I'm not complaining, i honestly like to talk to this don the first one because he makes more sense in a way.

"Yes sir, I'll update you once we're done."


Sorry for the messed up writing I'm sleep yk,don't Judge me.


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