Chapter 13

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Third person's pov

Hoseok was now on his way to the van with jungkook leading the way, the other four remained at the dinning area to have some kind of meeting about their 'business' which hoseok was sure that it's something connected to whatever illegal stuff a mafia would do, but hoseok couldn't care less, it's noting big- well at least that's what namjoon said before he shooed the two out of the house and as usual yoongi was still sleeping enjoying whatever fantasies he has in his mind meaning he's also sleeping in his dream as well.

On the way to the van hoseok looked around admiring the whole front yard, it does look a lot better in the morning, the grass looks brighter, the flowers look more visible and vibrant, the birds were flying around singing as well which use to be a beautiful melody but right now he can't seem to admire them as much as he does back at home, do they know that they're in a mafia's territory? Hoseok thought staring at the birds

Just as he was about to divert his eyes from the birds he suddenly bump on something hard or probably someone
With a hard as fuck chest

He looked up and as he was expecting he met eyes with jungkook

"Easy kid, You'll feel that soon don't worry" Jungkook said smirking down at hoseok arrogantly, Hoseok felt a little embarrassed but ignored it so as what jungkook said and took a few steps back mumbling a small 'I'm sorry'

"let's just go and get this over with, i still need to deliver some drugs later" jungkook turn his back at hoseok who watch him lead the way with a surprised look on his face after hearing the word 'drug' coming from jungkook, although he already expected that they were surely doing something like that it still surprises him hearing it coming from jungkook's mouth.

And when hoseok realized that jungkook was already far enough he quickly pulled himself back to reality and rush towards jungkook until he finally catched up with his pace

"aren't we using the van?" hoseok asked pointing at the van in front of him when jungkook walked pass it, jungkook stop and turn his head to look at hoseok and the van before he continue walking towards a black and white sports car as if he didn't heard hoseok's question

Although he was confused hoseok hesitantly followed jungkook who click the button on the car key to unlock the car making the head lights blink before jungkook opened the door while hoseok stood there in awe, seeing this car and the other ones up close astonished him, He's also a guy who once dreamed of having cars like these

But he can't drive and even if he could he doesn't have the money to get one of these so eventually he ended up letting go of that dream but now seeing of these brought back his love for them

"She's a real beauty isn't she?" Jungkook asked snapping hoseok back to reality, he looked at jungkook and slowly nod his head in agreement Although he was feeling a little embarrassed thinking that he might have stared for too long

"Don't worry you look more beautiful, anyways hop in before you get late although you already are" Jungkook chuckled winking at hoseok before he went into his car while hoseok completely ignored what jungkook did and said feeling himself lowkey fanboying over the fact that he's finally going to be able to ride a car like this, he tried his best to hold back his smile before rushing to the other side of the car and opening the door into the front seat before he carefully hopped in

He bit his lower lip feeling a smile finally formed his lips as he closed the door, he looked around the car, it was as amazing as he thought, the seats were coverd in white and black leather, some of the parts of the car were in color black but most of it was  white

"Enjoy it slowly, you'll be riding this often since i might get stuck being your driver which you should be thankful for, i don't drive for people nor i let them in this car, you're the first one actually" Hoseok was surprised, He was the first one, but he didn't know how to feel about it, should he feel happy? Special? Or nothing? It was weird for him to feel happy since first of all he hated jungkook and the others for taking him away from his mother, yet here he is starting to enjoy some things, it was ridiculous really.

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