Chapter 23

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Third person's pov

After the meeting the boys went straight home to plan for what they're going to do. The whole ride was quite as they let namjoon think peacefully on his own. It'll be hard for them to commit to anything since the person their dealing with is know all over korea meaning most of they're going to do is risky unless they plan it carefully

"and we're here" Jungkook announced soon after he pulled over in front of their house. One by one they all stepped out of the car and made their way into the house with namjoon stepping inside first. He looked around after getting an odd feeling after stepping inside.

It was quite,

Too quiet.

"Where's jimin?" he asked but no one responded which was expected since they were all together the whole day so none of them know the other's whereabouts the whole day. Namjoon frowned and fiddled his pocket to find his phone

"he's probably out or something" yoongi said in his usual raspy voice  walking past namjoon, he couldn't careless about the younger's business really, he knows he still alive somewhere and that's good enough.

"How bout' hoseok? They maybe out together" Namjoon clenched his jaw realizing that taehyung might be right. he remembered telling hoseok not to leave the house without his permission a couple of days ago and yet now both of them are out? It's a little early for him to break namjoon's rules just like that.

he scrolled through his contacts and looked for jimin's number and called him soon after he found it, the others were quiet watching namjoon knowing he's pissed off especially because he was with jimin who is supposed to know better.

Jimin can be a hardheaded man. He doesn't follow some of what namjoon tell him to and do things his own way but namjoon never had a chance to punish him or scold him for ignoring his words since things ends how namjoon wants it to even after jimin refuse to follow his order, situations like that can be funny sometimes but not always.

While the boys were quiet a faint ringing sound started to echo throughout the house which soon became louder and louder.

They all looked around to find where the sound was coming from and of course the man they were looking for was now leaning against the railings of the second floor looking down at them with his phone on his hand

"Welcom home" He greeted giving them his usual innocent smile which right now almost look like a sly smile. He hang up on namjoon's calls and made his way down the stairs

"Where's hoseok?" namjoon asked raising his eyebrow, jimin paused for a moment before pointing at the second floor after reaching the ground floor.

"he's in his room, sleeping probably? I'm not really sure since i haven't check on him for hours now" he said shrugging his shoulders, namjoon stared at the boy feeling something a little bit off but its not something he should be bother himself with right now so he shrugged the feeling away and walked pass jimin who was a tiny bit confused at how serious namjoon's aura is, not that he was never serious.

"come on" Seokjin pulled jimin with him as they walk up the stairs silently making their way to the second floor and while they do jimin was quick enough to catch what's going on although he was a tiny bit annoyed thinking that his effort of coming down was useless

"another one?" jimin asked looking up at his purple haired brother who nod his head in response.

When they stepped on the second floor they walked passed all their rooms and went straight to the room at the end of the hallway which is a room filled with sensitive information that needs to be protected. It's also the same room where they discuss their plans since there are no windows installed and anything that can expose their conversantion from the outside

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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