Chapter 9

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Third person's pov

It has been hours after the incident with seokjin and right now hoseok was on his bed shifting from one position to another trying to make himself comfortable as he badly wanted to sleep already but he couldn't even sleep a wink because of two reasons, one he's afraid something might happen to him while he's asleep and two everything that happened ealier is hunting his head preventing him from falling asleep

Hoseok sighed and stared at the ceiling, pondering how he ended up being here, a few hourse ago he was just in his room doing his project and now he's here under the same roof with a bunch of criminals, he was even harassed by one of them earlier! Everything was happening too fast that hoseok couldn't even process everything, he couldn't think properly, his mind is like a blank canvas right now, it seems like everything is just a dream, how he wish it was but he felt enough pain to conclude that he's not dreaming

He ran his hand on his neck where he felt seokjin's bite was, which left a bruise almost like a hickey actually, he hissed feeling it sting a bit as soon as it made contact with his hand that was sweating not because it's hot but because of anxiety

Annoyed, hoseok started to kick the air before grabbing the pillow next to him and buried his face on it screaming in frustration

"fuck this!" he silently screamed throwing the pillow on the floor, panting glaring at the pillow, then he realized he only has two pillows, he can't sleep without cuddling one, hoseok groan before kicking his blanket off that was barely even covering him and let his feet touch the cold floor, shivering, he walked to where the pillow landed picking it up and dusting it off

"sorry my dear cuddle buddy" he dramatically whispered before hugging the pillow and while he does, he suddenly remembered his mother, he started to wonder and ask himself questions like 'is she sleeping right now?', 'Did she take her meds?' and 'will she be okay?', leaving her with his father is not a very good idea but staying with her is not a choice either, hoseok sigh

now that he thought of it, his mother isn't the only one he's leaving behind but also his studies, will he be able to go back to school? He's not sure, he's not even sure if he'll be able to get out of this place soon

Hoseok looked at his luggage that was wide open beside his nightstand, he chose not to put them into the closet earlier just in case things happen, at least he won't be able to leave anything behind

On top of his clothes is the project he made earlier, he brought it with him along with his other school supplies thinking that he might still be able to go to school, but when the others told him about their identity, the thought if it became impossible hoseok plop himself back on the bed staring at the ceiling once again while hugging the pillow close to his chest, his vision suddenly became blurry as tears slowly filled his eyes, he shut his eyes close letting them slid down his cheeks

It was sad crying alone, it felt so lonely than it already is, usually when he cries he would always have his mother beside him, soothingly running her hand on his back and whispering sweet words to help calm him down which she never failed to do so, he misses his mom already

Hoseok buried his face on his pillow once again as be started sobbing, crying his heart out, he wanted to at least call his mother but all the gods hates him and made him Forget about the most important thing he should have with him especially at times like this

"aish fuck your memory hoseok, out of all the things you could have forgotten why does it have to be your phone?!"


Groaning hoseok slowly open his eyes as soon as he felt the heat of the sun caress his skin, he shift his position to the side to look at his nightstand where a small clock was placed, looking at the clock his eyes widen after reading the time, it was already 8 am

"fuck, i'm Late!" Hoseok screamed with his morning raspy voice as he jump off his bed and quickly rush to the closet where he usually keep his towels but when he opened it, it was empty, he froze wondering where they could have gone but then it hit him, he wasn't in their house anymore

Hoseok let out a deep sigh shutting the closet door close and lean his forehead against the wood trying to get himself together

and after he did, he pushed himself away from the closet before going back and sat down on his bed then as he was about to lie down a sudden pain struck his head making him groan once again cursing under his breath, he remembered crying hard last night so that must be the reason why he suddenly had a headache

"what a great way to start the day" he mumbled before he stood back up again and forced his feet to take him towards a full length mirror placed at the other side his bed to look at himself,

he was still in the same clothes he has before leaving their house last night, his hair was a mess which was understandable since he just woken up but what's different is that his eyes were red and puffy and he could also see dry tears on his cheeks, he doesn't look like shit but he looks worst than usual

"this is just great, if those jerks see me like this they'll surely make fun of me" he said glaring at his reflection as if he was looking at the six of them who took him away and without realizing it hoseok punched the mirror out of anger making it crack, blood was also starting to drip on the floor from hoseok's knuckles making him quickly hiss in pain pulling his hand away leaving the mirror crack and stained with blood

"fuck" he quickly ran to the small bathroom that was in his room and turn the faucet on washing the blood away while he hissed in pain the whole time lowkey regretting what he did, after he washed it off he placed both of his hands at the edge of the sink letting the faucet continue to run, he stared at his face closely,

he looks worst up close, though on the bright side the bruise that seokjin left last night isn't that visible, it's still there but it wasn't as red as last night, but still he needs to get rid of those puffy eyes before those jerks see him, Hoseok lean down close to the faucet and started spalshing some of the cold water into his face and after washing his face which woke the shit out of him he sighed before he looked around the bathroom for some first aid and surprisingly he was able to find some when i he opened the mirror, they're criminals, it's expected for them to have this around, he thought taking out the small red box opened it reaveling a bunch of pocket sized medicines for minor wounds along with other usual things that you could find in a first aid kit

Hoseok started cleaning his wound before wrapping it with a bandage and after he did he put the kit back behind the mirror and walked out, sitting down on his bed thinking of what he should do

He remembered namjoon saying that he was here as their slave, and of course hoseok has never experienced being a slave so he has no idea what he should be doing, is he suppose to clean? Wash the dishes? Cook? Damn he can't even cook an egg, the last time he did their kitchen ended up getting filled with smoke and since then he never tried cooking again

Speaking of namjoon,hoseok started to wonder is asking namjoon if he could go to school would be a good idea, they never really said that they would forbid him from going anywhere anyways,it was just him jumping into conclusions, all namjoon told him is just to make sure to ask for permission before doing anything

'isn't slaves supposed to just be at home the whole day?' hoseok asked himself before groaning, rolling his eyes his eyes Nd when he did it suddenly landed on the painting on top of his clothes

"screw it, I ain't gonna let my effort in painting that shit get thrown out of the window"


No proofread

Wahhhh sorry for not updating for two days i was busy and was also trying to fix the other chapters huhuhuhuhu sorry🥺

Any thoughts btw?

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