Chapter 4

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Third person's pov

Loud sound of firing guns was echoing inside the van as six men sat there quietly doing their own thing except for one who has his phone's volume up to its fullest glory

"Taehyung for the love of god tune that thing down, I'm trying to sleep here" a mint haired male annoyingly grunted kicking the front seat where the boy was sitting, playing not so quietly making the seat move forward a little bit but the younger didn't seem to notice him since he didn't respond nor did what he was told to, he just continued playing with his phone cursing from time to time and scream random things like 'i need a new gun' or 'where is that fucker who stole my motorcycle earlier?'

"let him be yoongi hyung he's just having fun" a pink haired boy who was sitting behind him said comforting the older who was referred to as yoongi patting his shoulder

"having fun my ass, jungkook is having fun but he's quiet" yoongi said pointing at the youngest boy in the van sitting at the driver seat who really was playing with his phone quietly and calmly, the total opposite of taehyung who didn't pay attention to them at all

"just sleep back home hyung" the younger suggested giving him a smile while yoongi snorted rolling his eyes, how he wish he should have stayed at their mansion in the first place.

"Speaking of that when are we going home hyung? That guy is taking a little too long" The pink hair male complained looking at their blonde leader who was sitting beside yoongi and has been keeping an eye at the door ever since the man walked out of the car and entered inside the house

"Jimin's right joon, who knows maybe he used the back door to escape or something" Their oldest, seokjin said who was beside jimin crossing his legs and leaning back on his seat, jimin hummed noding his head as an agreement, being one of the most feared mafia here in itaewon that old man sure has the guts to make them wait, if only none of them were interested in that young boy they probably have already blown up that house for making them wait for too long

"let's be patient, besides if ever they did ran away we can just easily trace them down it's not really that hard" Namjoon shrug his shoulder as if doing that was nothing although he too was honestly feeling a little impatient already, he's barely hang on, but he tried to think of the possibilities why that old man was taking a little too long, maybe he was still trying to convince the kid since who in there right minds would just go with a bunch of strangers just because their father told them once right? In short namjoon was just trying to be considerate.

"if you say so then hyung" jimin said ending the conversation leaning back to his seat, he didn't want to get a head of his hyung's decision or words, he is the leader after all, he's sure knows best

"by the way what are you guys planning to do with the kid?" yoongi suddenly asked, he has no idea what the other's had in mind with the kid sure he looks good but that's that, they don't know anything about him, he might even get on the way of their transactions

Seokjin and jimin didn't respond and look at leader and although namjoon's eyes were still focused on the door, he can surely feel the other's eyes on him making him roll his eyes

'leaders first' that's their motto although namjoon doesn't remember himself agreeing with that, and he's the leader.

"i was thinking of using him as a slave or something like that, the mansion is not looking well for the past few days because none of us have a time to clean around and also because some kids are very irresponsible" namjoon shot a glance at the two maknaes who were still busy on their phones playing, he was obviously referring to the two who would always leave their space in the mansion dirty and undone, the olders would always remind them to clean up but they never really listen

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