Chapter 18

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Hoseok's pov

"Good boy" Yoongi praised planting a kiss on my neck before pulling his finger out

"Fix yourself unless you want the other seeing you a look like a mess, Shit will happen and i know you know what i mean" I looked up at yoongi and saw him smirking before he unwrap his arms around me making me almost drop on the ground but gladly i was able to hold onto the counter preventing it from happening

My legs were a little weak but i still manage to stand properly pulling my sweatpants back up which feels extremely uncomfortable right now, usually when i pleasure myself i would be in my room and i would change right after so it's wasn't that uncomfortable unlike right now

I looked at yoongi, he was holding the same cup he has earlier and rather than milk it now contains water which he gulp down all at once, i bit my lower lip, glaring at him.

"Don't be mad baby boy, I'll put my dick in next time, the others are almost here, you don't want them to see you begging for me right?" Yoongi said in a very cocky way before he placed the cup back down and walk towards me with a smug look on which i would gladly pay just to punch it off of his face

Yoongi brush his thumb on my chin before walking past me

I clench my fist in annoyance, this guy is arrogant as fuck, he's prolly even worst than jungkook! And that says a lot.

"fucker" i mumbled watching him walk out until he disappear from my sight, I sigh finally having some time alone

This is the last time I'm walking out of my room to drink water because everytime i do shit always happens, i this somekind of curse or something?

I kicked an invisible rock in front of me before walking towards the door, i wasn't wiping but i can feel a sting of pain on my ass from time to time

When i walked out there were no sign of yoongi anywhere he probably went back to his room already, i made my way to the closest mirror that i could find which was just hanged on the wall right by the entrance to the living room and as soon as i caught the sight of myself, my eyes quickly widen

There weren't much but they are far worst than what seokjin left the last time, my neck has a couple of red marks but most of them are on my collarbone some of them even has a faint purple color in the middle

I felt yoong left these but i didn't know that it's going to look like this! Damn it what if the others see this? I sigh pulling my sweaters up hoping it would cover it, which it did, not completely but that's good enough

"i still don't get it, how come i don't get to play?"

"The last time you did, we lost 2 million won, that's why your greedy ass isn't allowed to play taehyung"

"Shut up jimin"

I quickly turn ny head towards the door after hearing it swing open followed by a couple of familiar voices, they don't seem to know that I'm here since they just kept on scolding each other, jimin and taehyung to be specific

But the black haired bunny boy caught the sight of me and a smile quickly replaced his annoyed expression, probably because the other two were so noisy, even seokjin and namjoon have the same annoyed expression on

"Hoseok! Awe did you wait for me baby boy?" Jungkook cooed jogging towards my direction making me instantly panic but i still manage to wrap my left arm around my waist while cover my neck with my left hand pretending i was scratching it to make it look less awkward

"Are you that excited- wait what is that?" A frown appeared on Jungkook's when he got closer to me, i felt my heart race, did he notice the hickeys?

"What's that on your sweater baby" he asked making an eye contact with me, his expression was stern so as his tone that sent shivers down my spine but i manage to i chuckle nervously shaking my head thinking that he probably has the wrong idea

"n-no i was just d-drinking milk b-but it S-spilled, A-accidentally" Jungkook stared at suspiciously before he slowly nod his head, i wasn't completely lying though i didn't drink nor spill it out, it was more like spit it out but i ain't telling that to him of course who knows how this guys might react?! I don't even wanna know

"why would he wait for you? He's waiting for me, right darling?" Jimin who suddenly appeared behind jungkook said pushing the bunny out of his way glaring at him before looking at me smiling sweetly while i stood there, asking myself if i should be answering his question or not

"Tomorrow is Friday right? Don't you have classes tomorrow kid?" i quickly divert my eyes from jimin to seokjin hearing a decent question from him, i cleared my throat nodding my head

"r-right i was about to head to my room just now and sleep-"

"No he's sleeping in my room tonight" Jungkook interrupt putting his arms over my shoulder smirking downat me while the others raised their eyebrow at him

"the fuck are you talking about rabbit?" Taehyung asked eyeing jungkook before looking at me asking for an answer but i wasn't able to say anything when suddenly jungkook removed his hands from my shoulder and pulled me by my arm dragging me to the stairs

"You'll know tomorrow anyways Goodnight hyungs sleep well"

This is gonna be a long night, fuck.


Hello? Lol

I feel like the story is getting boring sigh

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