Chapter 2

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Hoseok's pov

It was already around 10 o'clock at night, it was past my bed but i wasn't trying to stay up all night on purpose, hell i would rather sleep for hours than feel sleepy the whole day next day but because of this stupid project i had to.

i was on my study stable working on my project while humming a familiar tune that has been stuck in my head for quiet while now while i focused on coloring my art project, i wasn't really the best when it comes to art but i honestly can't do anything better than what i have right now,

it was slowly coming together as i continue and i am more than satisfied of how it looks right now.

"you are truly the master of art hoseok- well you are a masterpiece yourself anyways" i jokingly said looking at my reflection on the mirror placed on my study table, winking at myself. i don't normally act so confident but when I'm alone i would always compliment or praise myself because no one does. but, it's not really something i badly wanted so i don't mind doing it although for some it might sound very tragic. i know, because some of my friends would always tell me that.

I put some last touches on my project before i settled down the canvas on my table to let it dry, i stared at it smiling widely feeling proud of the final piece

"if this won't get an A+ i don't know what will" i sigh and stood up giving myself a couple of good stretch here and there before i made my way to the door, all those painting made my throat feel a little too dry.

When i walked out the same sound of silence was heard meaning my father wasn't around, it was a good thing but also a bad thing at the same time.

Good thing because i don't like his presence being here since he can be very aggressive sometimes. he does shit even without a reason but bad since if he's not around meaning he's out there drinking again or probably gambling, i don't know aand once he comes back he's gonna start screaming and yelling cursing at me and my mom for no reason. I am so fed up with him so as my mom actually

But this so called 'love' of theirs keeps getting on the way, everytime i try to convince my mom to either kick my dad out of this house or we leave she will always tell me to let my dad be because she can't afford losing him! it's bullshit, i know. i seriously can't believe how my mom can bare all my dad's crap, he sometimes even hit her when he's drunk yet she still can't afford to leave him- heh, love my ass.

I walked downstairs and to the kitchen and to my surprise my mother was there, leaning on the counter, staring at the cup of milk she was holding, slowly stirring it. she didn't seem to notice my presence making me think that she's probably spacing out again, she always does.

I opened one of the cabinets taking a cup before closing it and when i did i saw my mother flinch out of the corner of my eyes

"hoseok honey, since when were you standing there?" she asked making me sigh, i gave her a smile before walking towards the fridge and pour myself some water before shuting it again gulping the water in, healing my dry throat.

"i just got here a couple of minutes ago" i said placing the empty cup on the sink, wiping my lips, while my mom hummed nodding her head.

"how are you feeling by the way mom? Is your heart doing okay? " i asked changing the topic giving my mom a concerned look, my mom has a rheumatic heart disease. her heart is weak, the doctor said she needs to go under surgery to help her get better but not everyone can afford that so right now all we could do is stick with her meds and check on her from time to time.

My mom gave me a weak smile, putting her unfinished cup on the counter and walking closer to me.

"How did i ever gave birth to a beautiful son like you" Mom said out of the blue with her voice sounding a little hoarse helding both of my hands up planting a soft kiss before rubbing them gently, i smiled. my mom is the only person i care about that's why even if I'm not the smartest student at school i always make sure that i try my best so i could graduate, find a job and get her surgery done. losing her is the biggest fear i have, i would do anything to make sure she'll get well soon.

"of course i have a mother like you, having good looks is already a given"i playfully said making my mom chuckle, i smiled. she let both of my hands go and gave my head a small pat before caressing my face cupping it with both of her hands looking at me lovingly.

"Thank you for everything Hoseok, Always remember that i love you more than anything in this world" hearing those words coming from my mom made me feel a little emotional. i felt a tint of fear, my mom is tired but she's still fighting. i lean on her touch, putting my hands over her's  and smiled.

"i love you too mom, more than anything in this world"my mom lean over, kissing my forehead before giving me a tight hug, so tight as if it's going to be our last hug and the thought of that made my heart sank.

"Mom you should go back to your room and sleep, you need to rest" i said breaking the hug and smiling at her, tucking her hair behind her ear for me to have a better look on her smiling face.

My mom parted her lips as if she was about to say something but a familiar click coming from the door ruined our moment, looks like the fucking devil has arrived.

I looked at my mom, she gave me a mischievous smile making me roll my eyes, she already knows that I'm already cursing the shit out of my dad in my head and she's not wrong about that.

The sound of the door shutting and loud and heavy footsteps was heard coming from the living room. i sighed, clenching my fist as the picture of my father flashed in my head.

"Play nice" my mom reminded me before we walked out of the kitchen to greet my father, hoping he's not drunk or anything that can trigger his aggressiveness.

The lights clicked open as soon as we got to the living room and a familiar figure of a man was standing there slowly making his way further into the house, i analyzed him and surprisingly he doesn't seem to be drunk- in fact, i couldn't even smell any alcohol coming from him.

Did this guy finally had a brain? But base on how he looks and walk right now i doubt that.

He looks like he got lost in a game or something which is probably what happened. he was walking like a zombie and has his eyes glued on the groud, he doesn't seems to even notice our presence but i couldn't careless really, as long as he doesn't do shit I'll let him be.

"honey welcome back" My mom greeted walking towards my dad linking her arms around his looking at him with eyes full of concern while i lean against the wall with my arms crossed watching them, this is the best way i can play nice, by not going a meter close to him.

"are you okay?" my mom asked my dad but he didn't answer, he only looked at her shortly before shifting his head to look at me making me automatically raise my eyebrow at him as if i was asking 'what the fuck do you want?' but rather than an answer he stood up properly pointing at the stairs making me frown. what the fuck is wrong with this old man? Is he high or something?

"What?" i asked, with a hint of annoyance in my voice while my mom looked at both of us confused

"go pack your things"


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