Chapter 14

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Hoseok's pov

I bit my lower lip that's probably bleeding already as i continue to tap the tip of my pen againts my table non-stop while my eyes were still glued on the clock that reads 3:55 pm, I've been staring at that clock for probably half an hour but not because i want our class to end already, in fact i want the opposite to happen

I want the time to go back, i don't want it to end damn it Why does time have to be so fast when you wanted it slow?!  I don't want to go back to hell yet, i don't want to see any of them  especially jungkook who will be the one picking me up later, fuck, thinking about the possible things that may happen later made me shiver

"MR.JUNG!" i flinched hearing my teacher's voice pulling me back to reality, i looked around the class and when i did i saw all of my classmates' eyes were on me so as my teacher of course who gave me a questioning look and as soon as i realized the whole situation i felt my self flush in light shade of pink, looks like i must have dozed off a little

"If you don't listen then that's okay but Please stop the pen tapping, you're disturbing the whole class" She said with a hint of anger in her voice, i gave her an apologetic smile before putting my pen down simply saying that i'll stop already and as i was about to fix my posture a loud ring echoed throught the room as a sign that the class already reached its end making me curse under my breath, I'm sure that made my teacher hate me more since i used up a few minutes of her class

i looked at our teacher and smiled at her once again, she was about to say something but she chose to swallow back her words and sigh before eyeing everyone in the class

"Alright that's all for today, make sure to study because I'll surely give you a quiz tomorrow, Goodbye everyone please head home safely and Mr. Jung" I press my lips together and widen my eyes a bit giving her an innocent look, i know this won't get me away from what i did but hey it's worth a shot, I've seen some of my classmates do it anyways, Miss teach gave me a stern look as she pick up her things

"i don't want you interrupting my class again understood?" i quickly nod my head like what an obedient student would do giving her a small smile, she nod her head back before she head out of the class and as soon as she did my classmates all rise from their seat and started to gather up their things while me on the other hand sigh before doing the same thing

The class already ended and now i have to go back to that hell like place and meet those six demons, damn it, and what made it worst is that i have to do something with jungkook, fuck my life, i groan and kicked my chair attracting my classmates' attention but i can't give a single fuck about them right now, After gathering my things i walked out of the class, my pace was slow as i head out of the school building

I don't know if jungkook is already outside since i forgot to tell him what time our class ends, it's not completely my fault though since he didn't ask me either so he ain't got nothin' against me

While i was walking different thoughts started to linger in my head, i wonder what more torture I'll face with those guys, i haven't stayed there for a whole 24 hours yet It already feels like hell! what more if i stay there for a whole week?! Those guys are pure evil!- don't even get me started with jungkook that asshole is the demon of all demons, speaking of him i still have to deal with him later

Are we really going to do it? Is he really going to fuc-

Damn it, i shook my head to get those thoughts out of my head, thinking about it makes me want to puke

When i finally reached out of the school building i head to where i was dropped off earlier thinking that jungkook might be waiting there as well

But as i got closer i noticed a bunch of student gather by the waiting shed, it's normal but they seem to be checking something out than waiting for a bus

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