The Journey🌺 .

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Azaad's pov.

Walking to the staircases, I pass Maria, "Sir", She called and I turned.

"They left already",She informed and left. They* Who did she leave with.

Downstairs I peeped into Maa's room and found her reciting her Holy book.

She went far away from you.

I head towards the dining, different types of Mouth-watering snacks on the table. But lots of it are maa and Azrah's favourites.

How hungry I am, I sat and placed an empty place infront of Me, trynna figure out what to eat.

"What's this?", a covered cup and plate made me curious to take a look.

Instead I found My favourite 3 Chicken Sandwich and not dark coffee but creamy coffee.

I took asip and found myself drinking half cup and I took abite of sandwich.

She's got magic in her hands.

no! she's magic.

Sandwich's abit different, she added more stuffs like Cheese, "Tastes like pizza".

But thought of her made.
my whole appetite vanish. I feel like I am going crazy.

I barged inside maa's room, sat down on floor and placed my head on her lap. Before she used to would run her fingers through my hair but today she's ignoring me.

"I want her back maa!", I broke in silence and sigh hard.

"Who Azaad, Azrah?", Maa asked still not looking at me.

"But she left with Zamzam", She answered Herself

"I want my wife back", I raise my head looking at her.

"I am going crazy maa!", Maa doesn't seem to be shocked nor surprised. I guess she knew.

"You barely stayed aday without her, this is what you're feeling, Just imagine she stayed 5years without us,  what must she have gone through?" She looks so upset.

"Azaad had you done what you always did in your business deals then you would never have committed such a blunder mistake. This marriage was on your deals right, son you failed alot", She said in rage.

"I am sorry maa, but I am not regretting for this cause through this I met her", I said smiling remembering the first time i met her.

"But yes! I am sorry for what I did to her!, I didn't know how she felt untill when i tried to claim my rights as husband when none of her rights where fulfilled", I said sighing.

"I am selfish yes! I don't want her to move on, I am sorry but I want her back", I said but my sight's blurry.

"You were right, I followed his footsteps instead of learning from my past, I became worse than him", I hid my face on her lap.

"Don't tell me sorry Azaad, you owe her forgiveness", Maa sighs upset.

"And it won't be easy cause she has what you have" Maa said smiling, "Her family, Her Dad", tears flowed down.

"She was happy until you broke her, now if you want her you need to win her back, not with money, cause she got what you have, even if she didn't have, don't think about it", Maa warned.

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