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.Azaad's Pov.

Don't let your past be the bridge to your happiness.

Her words echoed in my head, but the time we spent made my night.

I rarely spend my time at home since at work there's a along queue of meetings and at home we are told enough of spending time outside, first because of Humaiza and Amir's pictures going viral on social media.

I woke up early and took ablution. I wanna give my best again in being atleast a good muslim and went out of the room.

"Azaad!", Her Dad surprisingly called me out.

After last time none of them tried to force me giving me sometime though they were just knocking and leave me, i never bothered trying though.

"Salaam aleikum", I greet, the feeling i got just by saying may peace be upon you is awesome.

"Waaleikum salaam", Her Dad and the others that arrived responded.

Her Grandy pat my shoulders by smiling widely.

"Shall we!", He said before we started leaving.

"Wait for me", Sayaad came running.

"Uff! Thank god", He stops catching his breath


"lets go!", His brother motioned him to walk.

We exchanged one look with eachother before he furrowed his brows.


"Look where you are going", He groaned before everyone chuckled.


We are now back, i was drenched thanks to Sayaad, We three are drenched Imraan, me and Sayaad included.

He tried to block me from doing ablution but he didn't know i had done it from home using strength he slipped and held tight on the tap and it broke, well! the rest is our situation.

"YaAllah, what happened?", Safirah yelped after we climbed upstairs.

"Sayaad care to explain", Imraan looked at already moody Sayaad before he left without talking a word.

Azrah's Pov.

He was nowhere to be seen, i looked everywhere for him,

Wait why am i being desperate?! i love him!.

These past few days me and Sayaad became so close, he expressed his feelings but i feel like i've grown slim because of not expressing this emotion that i am feeling.

From the stairs of the kitchen returning back to the terrace, i got pulled so hard and banged on the hard surface.

"Ouch!", I gasped and tilted my head up.

"Sayaad you scared me!", I hit his chest but he didn't move, i looked around in where we were it's his room.

"Why did you do that?", I asked he was quiet, his hair wet, plumpy rosey wet lips twitched, his exposed big arms, Okay! we are so close. His eyes right on me .

"S...Sayaad you do know everyone will know if we don't get there?", I ask he is quiet.

" Hy!..say something", I yell finally he chuckled

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