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Zamza's Pov.

"Hahaha! not funny", Safirah pouts when she was told she's gaining weight.

"Hy Kid, don't drink coffee", Sayaad snatches my coffee as i pout.

"I am not a Kid Sayaad", I scold him as he snorts.

"Awe! she's so cute", Afiya, Amir's sister pulls my cheeks as everyone laughs.

"Stop it guys, it's not fair!", I whine while snatching back my coffee.

"You are a kid unless there's anyone else of your age, Azrah?", Safirah curiously asks.

"No! i am older, she's the only baby among us adults", Azrah smirks as i sigh.

"I am not a kid, i am a lady",

I brag throwing the end of my hijab behind me.

"Haha! Azrah what's your age?", Humaiza raises her brow.

"23", She smiles nervously.

"I am 24", Humaiza shrugs.

"Huh! i am the oldest 26", Safirah smirks.

"27", Imraan says hugging Safirah.

"26!", Amir's sisters Afiya and Asiya squeals and chuckle.

"25!", Amir blushes looking at Humaiza.

"25", Sayaad smirks.

"Azaad?", Imraan asks Azaad as he smiles slightly. "26".

"And Zamzam!", Afiya asks eagerly as everyone chuckles.

"What! I am 22", I whine and everyone laughs.

"My baby", Mommy calls me out of pity as i6 pout.

"She's 21, this year you'll be 22", Humaiza smirks as i groan at her.

"And guess which month", She chuckles as i sigh.

"Yaah! keep quiet", I dismiss her as she shrugs.

"31 December", Everyone laughs so hard that i couldn't help but to join them.

"Mommy why 31? poor Zammy", Safirah said in mid of laughing.

"And Azaad?", Safirah asks.

"5th june", I blurt gaining everyone's big eyes.

Azaad's already staring but this time i felt like he's digging into my skin so i look away.

"Woow! impressive",

Humaiza raises her brows quite impressed.

"Ok Safirah when is Imraan's?", "August 3rd", She blushes.

"And Safirah 5th August", Imraan smiles after planting a kiss on Safirah

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