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Zamzam's Pov

"No!, how could you!, I still can't believe the level of your shame,". He looks at Azrah like she's haram food.

"Sayaad go to your room please!", Dad requests him.

"Uncle!", He sighs.

"Fine!", He added.

"But if you cross my path you'll regret setting your foot here", He threatened her and left.

"Didn't anyone tell him anything?", I ask looking at everyone.

"We tried but you know he's difficult", Humaiza said.

"Dear, he's just angry but won't do anything to you ok", Mom hugged Azrah.

"Mommy, Ammar did peepee on himself",

Sanaa(Safirah's daughter) came complaining about her brother.

"Ya Allah why are boys so difficult", Safirah complained.

"He's your son!", She looked at Imraan scoffing.

"Hun!, he surely looks like me but he's just like you",

Imran said making us laugh and Safirah more angry.

"Ok now go to your room and rest",

Noni said as Safirah and Humaiza led the way.

On our way Upstairs I heard people talking and laughing in our pillow room.

Well! we usually gather here for our gossips, or if we need time from oldie business topics.

"Who are in there?", I asked curiosly.

"Our dumb nosy cousins", Humaiza answered ignorantly.

"Who?", I ask raising my brow.

"Faida who else are nosy?", Humaiza answers

"But..", Saafirah cut me off,

"You know but they are divorced like the rest of their family and decided to see what's going on here", Safirah said.

They are our cousins from Dad's side, trust me! they can piss someone off just by their words and seriously love to undersee others.

"Azrah do you wanna sleep with us or we give you a guest room", Humaiza asked Azrah.

Azrah seems confused.

"Actually we used to sleep all three of us together but now Safirah's married so she has to join her hubby", Humaiza nudged Safirah winking.

"Hy no! Imraan will have to stay with his kids, I am so tired so instead of three we'll be four", Safirah said crossing her hands.

"Sure, I will join you guys", Azrah said curiously.

We went to our room, Our huge bed, it's still the same,i jumped on it curling around my fluffy blanket.

"I missed you so much",

I whispered as tears found their way out.

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