Evil 🌺

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Zamzam's Pov.

I keep thinking whether i should go and meet Azaad.

I sit straight and walk towards the window as i peep down only to find a long height to the ground as i gulp.

'If you jump from here instead to Azaad you'll be__.

I look up and shake the scary thoughts away.

'But i really need to see him.

I put on my sneakers and wrap my head with my hijab as i sneak from my room.

Not listening to my brain i decided to use the front door since noone will be awake Haha!.

"Zamzam!", I stop at my tracks when i was about to open the door.

I turn and find my Dad!.

"Y_yes", I smile sheepishly.

"Where are you going?", He asks sternly.

"Fresh air", I squeak as he raise his brows and walk up to me.

"I didn't expect you to be a sneaky goat like your sisters," He looks at me as i cast down.

"Sorry," I whisper.

"You'll meet him tomorrow, now go and grab some rest", Dad plants a peck on my forehead as i rush upstairs.

"YaAllah!," I sigh and jump on bed

'What will happen now?'

' How will i meet him?'.

I sigh as my eyes land on the window.


I peep out and gulp.

'Be ready to die'.

Taking all my scarves not fave ones and make them as a rope.

"This will be easy", I smirk and tie it on the bed.


I keep one leg out as i adjust my grip on the rope and keep the other leg out and sigh.

I peep down and regret doing this at the first place.

Going down slow by slow, my eyed widen when i felt the rope getting untangled.

Oh no, no! it's gonna open.

I try getting down my hands slio and i fall on the branch of tree as my leg stuck on the rope.

'Ugh! ouch! ouch!.

I cry as my back hits this stupid tree.

I try to release my legs from the rope that tangled itself all i ended up doing is slipping till on the ground and i screamed.


But innerly.

Swallowing not my pride but my pain, i walk towards the outhouse and yell hard.

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