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Zamzam's Pov.

I was tired SubhanaAllah but Alhamdulillah Safirah was adamant so we had to use the car.

Like always i dozed off but this time i had a peaceful sleep even if it were for some time. By the time i woke up i heard like a calm drum like in my ears on the hard surface my ears leaned on and a minty scent hit my nostrils.

My eyes cast up and noticed myself on his chest, his blue soft eyes on me.

He smells good! his eyes MashaAllah, will he mind if i touch his hair?.

My eyes travelled from his eyes to his plumpy rosy lips.

What are you doing!?.

I sat straight without noticing a drool left on his white T-shirt.

I was drooling seriously!!.

"I am sorry!", I said while getting off the car.

"It's ok", He's deep yet soft voice said.

Tiressly i walked in with others beside and behind me, we found everyone already gathered for dinner.

"Kids go freshen up then come for dinner", Mom said as we started climbing stairs like mountains.

Humaiza and Safirah are crawling as i took help from tge wall until when my body finally hit the coldness of the bed.


I wokeup in the middle of the night because of my stomach rambling Hungry! i clutched my hungry stomach, I turned and found Humaiza and Azrah soundly asleep.

I came out of my room quietly knowing a soul won't be awake by now, but naah! i am wrong i saw Dad in the kitchen making something before walking towards him.

"Salaam Daddy", I said leaning my head on his arms.

"Waaleikum salaam, are you hungry?", He asked as i walked from him to one of the chairs lying my head.

"Mhm! so hungry", I replied and closed my eyes to resume my tasty sleep.

"What are you doing?", I mummered.

"Warm water for your mom", He said as i barely heard him.

Silence suddenly hit the room, i look around Dad wasn't around so i continued with my sleep.

"Dear want me to make you something", Dad asks as i felt him sitting beside me patting my head.

"No Dad it's fine, i'll warm some remaining", I said peeping on him.

"No food remained lemme cook something", He was about to stand.

"Daddy it's fine, i'll cook something anyways i am a grownup", I tell him standing from my seat as i heard him chuckle.

While in the kitchen making stories with Dad i looked up and saw someone busy with the phone coming in.

"Azaad", Dad called out since he was close.

"Join us", Dad said before he started coming this way.

He looked at me then sat with Dad.

"Want something to eat? since none of you ate dinner", Dad asked, his eyes stole glances at me whether he should say yes!.

"Dear make it for two", Dad instructed as i smiled.

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