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Zamzam's pov.

"Well he did scold us once", I smiled at the flashbacks.

"Humaiza and I were in high school when three girls were bullying me, and they were seniors, Humaiza trying to help me she punched one of them and they thrashed us both", I laughed hard.

"There were big and tall, at home mom scolded us why didn't we hit back, let alone Humaiza atleast she fought, i was smacked by mom also", I laughed again hard.

"Dad came trying to save us from mom, in anger mom told dad everything" I chuckled.

"Dad scolded and scolded oh my God!, 'why didn't you do something?, why are you crying huuh! tomorrow go teach them a lesson! fight if you get beaten don't come crying' Humaiza got a green card" I laughed again.

"The next day, she would spy if one of them's away from their group, she makes me her watchman and she would enter and thrash them and leave them bruises", I laughed clutching my stomach.

"Seriously", Azrah's eyes widened.

"Mom and Dad bought chocolates for Humaiza, our parents got called, Maa scolded the principal and those girls' parents slapped them for being hit by kids, none got evicted though", I finish Azrah was still in shock.

"Wow!" She shook her head smiling.

I showed her my family pictures, "Wait!", She yelped and i flinched.

"Is she your actual sister?",

She asked unsurely, I shook my head and told her the entire story.

Later we slept tirelessly, Azrah slept on my lap and i placed my head on the car window.


It's dark already when we finally reached, I woke Azrah up 'Home sweet home'. Her eyes widened in Awee! as the gates opened.

"It's beautiful and huge", She squealed making me giggle.

The moment the car made it's way in, Safirah, Humaiza, Sayaad, Imraan and Amir (Humaiza's would be husband), were out smiling wide.

"Let's go..", I said staring at nervous Azrah.

"Hy, it's fine let's go", I open the door and went out.

Safirah and Humaiza jumped on me into a hug.

"Salaam!" I greet with my shaky voice.

"Finally you're home, we missed you", My sisters said with teary voice and pulled apart.

"I thought you won't make it", Humaiza said pouting as tears flowed down.

"Hy, i am here right don't", I hug her back.

Imraan came smiling,hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Amir, do you know me?", I tease him, He blushed looking at Humaiza.

"My future wife's baby sister", He answered making Humaiza look at him with so much love.

I met Amir before, Humaiza had brought him with Imraan and Safirah with Sayaad.

"Wait! where's Azrah?", I ask after realising her absence.

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